Sep 18th, 2015
Tank & Fizz: The Case of the Battling Bots

For monster sleuths Tank and Fizz, proving fourth-grade bully Rizzo Rawlins is planning to cheat in the upcoming Battle Bot Cup should be a piece of cake. But cake crumbles fast,...

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Five Men. One Robbery. A deadly game of greed, revenge and betrayal is about to begin.Fresh out of the SAS, Matt Browning is down on his luck. He owes $500,000. If he doesn't get the money soon,...

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Oct 3rd, 2015
El Lobo de las Estepas

El joven Temujin, segundo hijo del khan de la tribu de los Lobos, tenía sólo once años cuando su padre murió asesinado en una emboscada. Su familia fue expulsada de la tribu y abandonada a su suerte, sin comida ni refugio,...

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Apr 22nd, 2016
Espartaco: El Gladiador

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Musashi, tomo 2: El Camino de la Espada

Miyamoto Musashi es, quizás, el más famoso de todos los samurais que poblaron la época feudal del Japón. Vivió en unos tiempos convulsos, en los cuales Japón se recuperaba de una guerra civil que desencadenó el inicio del shogunato...

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A Little Something Different, Chapter Sampler

Download sample chapters of A Little Something Different, from the distinctive new crowdsourced publishing imprint Swoon Reads.The creative writing teacher, the delivery guy, the local Starbucks baristas, his best friend, her roommate, and the squirrel in the park all have one thing in common—they believe that Gabe and Lea should...

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Tuletorni juurde

Romaaniga «Tuletorni juurde» (1927) tõestas Woolf oma kuulumist 20. sajandi parimate romaanikirjanike hulka. Teos kujutab endast tõepärast ja kaunist jutustust ühe inglise perekonna igapäevastest tegemistest Hebriididel. «Tuletorni juurde» on raamat, mida soovitatakse lugeda aegamisi, et kaunis stiil ja hingestatud laused kaotsi ei läheks.Virginia Woolf (1882–1941)...

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Mar 29th, 2016
Pojad ja armastajad

Romaani tegevuspaik on väike kaevandusküla Bestwood. Peategelane Paul, kellel on edukad vend-õde William ja Annie, elab koos oma alkohoolikust isa ja intellektuaalist emaga. Kuigi Paul õpib alles koolis, peab ta vabrikus töötama. Kuid töö jääb Pauli sagedasti...

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Enter the Saint

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El imperio de plata

El Gran Khan ha muerto, pero su leyenda y su legado siguen vivos. Los ejércitos se han reunido y se disponen a comprobar cuál de los hijos de Gengis posee la fuerza necesaria para ser kan. El imperio mongol ha estado en paz durante dos años, pero el superviviente...

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Roosi nimi

"Roosi nimi" on keerulise faabulaga omapärane sümbioos Eco semiootilistest ja kulturoloogilistest ideedest ning pakub erinevaid lugemistasandeid. Autor imiteerib keskaja kroonika stiili, jutustades kohutavatest sündmustest benediktiini kloostris 14. sajandil. Endine inkvisiitor Baskerville'i William saabub noviits Adsoga kloostrisse, kus vallandub terve kuritegude ahel. Sherlockholmesliku osavusega hakkab William...

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Howards End

Inglise kirjaniku ja kriitiku Edward Morgan Forsteri (1879–1970) «Howards End» (1910) on kirjaniku mainekaim romaan. See on vaimukas jutustus, mille sündmused leiavad aset ühes väikeses Inglise külas. Forster kirjeldab kahe naabri vahelisi suhteid, milles põrkuvad pisut boheemlaslik kunsti- ja kirjandusmaailm ning karm realistlik ärimaailm. Ühel...

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Cochon D'allemand

Den som blinker er bange for døden fortæller den selvbiografiske historie om et enebarn, som ikke bliver født ind i verden men ud af den, og som vokser op med sin skizofrene, tyske mor og tvangsneurotiske, danske...

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May 24th, 2016
Espartaco. Rebelión

Marcha hacia la libertad… o hacia la batalla más sangrienta.Un poderoso ejército de esclavos, encabezado por Espartaco, ha arrasado con cuanto ha hallado a su paso, consiguiendo dispersar a las legiones de Roma....

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El círculo oscuro

Una diabólica presencia siembra el pánico en un lujoso trasatlántico: la nueva y endemoniada aventura del inspector Pendergast.Un monasterio remoto del Tíbet; una amenaza de tiempos lejanos; un artefacto misterioso con enorme poder de destrucción. Nuestro viejo conocido, Pendergast, y Constance, su protegida, investigan...

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Hälin ja raev

«Hälin ja raev» (1929) oli Faulkneri neljas romaan, mis saavutas suure müügiedu alles kaks aastat pärast esmailmumist. Romaani tegevus leiab aset väljamõeldud Yoknapatawpha maakonnas. Lugu on jaotatud neljaks osaks: esimese osa minategelaseks on vaimse puudega mees Benjy Compson; teises osas figureerib tema...

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Klouni silmaga

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Lendas üle käopesa

Pealik Bromden, segavereline ameerika indiaanlane, keda võimud kurdiks ja tummaks peavad, räägib loo vaimuhaiglast, kus kõikvõimsa Asutuse soovil valitseb Suure Õe tahe. Sellesse kohutavasse halli maailma satub uljas mängur McMurphy, kes alustab visa võitlust...

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Vibeke et Jon, mère et fils, viennent de s'installer dans un endroit situé au nord de la Norvège. C'est la veille des neuf ans de Jon et un cirque ambulant est venu au village....

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The Hearts of Men

Camp Chippewa, 1962. Nelson Doughty, age thirteen, social outcast and overachiever, is the Bugler, sounding the reveille proudly each morning. Yet this particular summer marks the beginning of an uncertain and tenuous friendship with a popular boy named Jonathan.Over the years, Nelson, irrevocably scarred from the...

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En la corte del lobo

1520. Inglaterra está a un paso del desastre. Si el rey muere sin un heredero varón, la guerra civil amenaza con destruir el país. Tras veinte años de matrimonio, Enrique VIII quiere divorciarse de Catalina de Aragón y casarse con Ana...

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Mar 12th, 2016
Atila: El juicio final

Año 449, el futuro del mundo pende de un hilo.El otrora poderoso Imperio romano yace vulnerable. El enorme ejército de los hunos se encuentra reunido a un tiro de piedra, al otro lado del Danubio, preparado para atacar. Las estepas de Asia han llegado hasta...

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Jun 3rd, 2016
Uncle Terrible: More Adventures of Anatole

When Antole arrives for a visit with Uncle Terrible - so called because he is so terribly nice - he finds in the living room a marvelous dollhouse. With the aid of a moss-green book from its library, Antole and Uncle Terrible embark on a fascinating adventure. Uncle Terrible...

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Sangre fría

En Pantano de sangre, la novela anterior, el lector descubrió que la muerte en África de Helen, la mujer de Pendergast, no había sido un accidente. Pero lo que averiguará en este...

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Dec 8th, 2016
El relicario

Cuando la policía encuentra dos esqueletos unidos en un abrazo en un río de Manhattan, Margo Green, conservadora del Museo de Historia Natural, es invitada a colaborar en la investigación, no solo por sus conocimientos antropológicos sino por su experiencia...

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Mäeküla piimamees

Vilde parimaks teoseks peetav «Mäeküla piimamees» (1916) on jutustus vaesest talupojast Tõnust, tema iseteadvast naisest Marist ja rikkast mõisahärrast. See on lugu kokkulepetest, iseendaga toimetulekust, väärikusest, mõtlematuse hukatusest ja saatuslikust armukolmnurgast. Raamatu lugemise teevad nauditavaks Vilde...

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Apr 24th, 2016
Le Bal des vipères

Pour tromper son ennui, Eduardo Sosa, un jeune homme désoeuvré, décide de suivre une sorte de clochard, Jacinto Bustillo, qui vit dans une voiture stationnée au pied de son immeuble. Après quelques...

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Children of the Night: The Best Short Stories by Black Writers, 1967 to Present

In 1969, Little, Brown and Company published The Best Short Stories by Black Writers, edited by Langston Hughes - the classic compendium of African-American short fiction from 1897 to 1967. Now, a quarter of a century later, Gloria Naylor has compiled an encore volume, Children...

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Astonishing X-Men: Nightcrawler, Volume 2: The Winding Way

BAMF Nightcrawler's back, but for how long?As a badly injured Kurt lies on the brink of death, moments of his life flash before his eyes. Unfortunately, these memories are not how he remembered. Is his past a lie? Could the sins of his murderous brother...

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May 24th, 2016

Kate Brannigan ist Teilhaberin der "Agentur für Sicherheitsberatung und Privatermittlungen" Mortensen & Brannigan, die sich vor allem auf Ermittlungen im Bereich der Wirtschaftskriminalität spezialisiert hat. Die Abwesenheit ihres Partners Bill zwingt Kate in...

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Sinistra körzet

"Pisarstwo Adama Bodora jest czymś wyjątkowym. Jego spokojny ton, pewien rodzaj fatalizmu narracji, gdzie wszystkie zdarzenia wydają się nieuniknione i nieodwołalne, to coś, z czym nigdy wcześniej się nie spotkałem.To pisarstwo, które ani przez moment nie próbuje się usprawiedliwiać czy zalecać do czytelnika....

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Apr 1st, 2016
Atila: El Azote de Dios

For fans of the movie Gladiator comes this bloody account of the clashing of civilizations, as Attila the Hun, "The Scourge of God," struggles to overthrow the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire is weakening. In 367 AD, approximately eight...

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Vahva sõduri Švejki juhtumised maailmasõja päevil

«Švejk» (1921–1923) on vaieldamatult Hašeki kuulsaim teos, mida on ühtekokku tõlgitud 60 keelde. Romaan räägib Esimese maailmasõja aegsest Austria-Ungari keisiriigist ja kujutab sõjast tingitud tohuvabohu esmapilgul lihtsameelsena mõjuva inimese pilguga. See on naljakas lugu Josef...

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Bukowski väitis, et 93% tema kirjutatust olevat autobiograafiline. «Naised» ongi ehe Bukowski – puhas, otsekohene ning häbitu, peategelaseks veel mitmes romaanis esinev autori alter ego Henry Chinaski. Kohati eneseirooniline Chinaski on krõbeda sõnavaraga naiste- ja napsimees, kes lävib kõigi ühiskonnakihtidega. Tema moraal seisneb selles,...

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Feb 27th, 2016

Two women, Chloe Dale, an artist comfortably ensconced in bucolic suburbia, and Salome Drago, a wily, seductive refugee from a country that no longer exists, confront each other in a Manhattan restaurant, and the battle lines are drawn. Toby Dale, son of the...

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Helena, Ou, La Mer En Été: Roman

Et nous marchâmes ensemble, remplis d'amour, vers les grands pays de l'Après-midi. Un homme se tourne vers son passé, vers sa ville natale des Asturies, sur le golfe de Gascogne, et...

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Apr 13th, 2017
Die Reportage

Freelance journalist Lindsay Gordon is strapped for cash. Why else would she agree to cover a fund-raising gala at a girls' public school? But when the star attraction is found garrotted with her own cello string minutes before she is due on stage, Lindsay finds herself investigating a...

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Was sie nicht umbringt

Sie ist ein Brecher, eine Catcherin, die von ganz unten kommt, wo das ganze Elend, das Thatcherismus und Postthatcherismus angerichtet haben, voll eingeschlagen ist. Dort tummeln sich Straßenratten, müssen Huren unter miesesten Bedingungen arbeiten, Gewalt ist eine Umgangsform, auch unter...

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May 27th, 2016
Der Aufsteiger

Leaving her new home in California for a trade union conference in Sheffield, Lindsay Gordon finds herself in the company of old friends – and enemies, including Tom Jack. When this unethical union leader is found dead, having catapulted out of Lindsay’s...

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Vollrausch : Kate Delafields achter Fall

When Detective Kate Delafield and her partner, Detective Joe Cameron, get the call to investigate a homicide in the secluded, old-money neighborhood of Hancock Park, Kate has the feeling it's not going to be murder...

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Jul 16th, 2016
Plum & Jaggers

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Inglise Patsient

'See oli mõnda aega pärast seda, kui Hana kohtas inglise patsienti - kedagi, kes nägi välja nagu põlenud loom, pingul ja tume, võrendik naise jaoks. Ja nüüd, mitu kuud hiljem on mees tema viimane patsient San Girolamo...

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Lauernde Bestie

Meet Caitlin Reece. Smart, cool, tough. A dropout from conventional life. Highly competent in her chosen profession. She has no office, obtains clients by referral only, and never leaves her home without...

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Dec 22nd, 2015
Sieben Leben

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The Lion in the Lei Shop

Marty Langsmith is only five years old when a strange thunder rolls across the Hawaiian sky and life as she knows it explodes into flames. With her mother, April, and hundreds of other women and children, Marty is evacuated from the ruins of Pearl Harbor and sent into a brave...

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Sep 9th, 2016
Човекът плюс

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Mar 27th, 2016
��ар от Земята

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Пясъчни врати

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Завръщане в Рая

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Космически лечители

Гигантска станция се върти в космоса и там болните от всички раси и от всички светове идват да бъдат лекувани. Сега за първи път самата болница е заплашена — от същества твърде различни, за да разберат предназначението й. Но и достатъчно могъщи, за да предизвикат истински хаос.„Галактическа болница“ беше първата...

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Снежен крах

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Jan 16th, 2016
One Sweet Quarrel

"Marvelous prose—McNamer's book is full of it, and full too of an unwavering commitment to, and wonder at, humanity. Add to those its grand story, its fine sense of irony and humor, its emotional accuracy, and One Sweet Quarrel becomes one sweet – and...

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Маската на Локи

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The Haunting

About the Book: The Haunting The author of seven top ten bestselling romantic novels, Alan Titchmarsh's The Haunting moves between the early 19th century and present day with a story of love, betrayal, intrigue and murder that shows the past is closer...

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Rivers of Babylon: Román

Knižný debut, román Rivers of Babylon (1991) vzbudil nebývalý čitateľský a kritický záujem. Pišťanek v ňom expresívnym jazykom s využitím rôznych štýlových vrstiev opisuje pre slovenskú literatúru netradičné prostredie bratislavského podsvetia, ktoré zaľudňujú postavy drobných i väčších podvodníkov a prostitútok. Pišťanek kladie dôraz najmä na...

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Buying Time

Arianna Sinclair had led a privileged life, growing up in an elite neighborhood in Marin County, California. Having only known private schools, fancy country clubs and all things luxurious, Arianna had been prepared for everything in life—except hardship.At twenty-two, Arianna’s world is rocked by tragedy, and...

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After Life

Naomi Ash was born in New Orleans and raised by her mother, Patsy, a medium who schooled her young daughter in the parlor-trick chicanery of the trade. From Naomi recreating presences with...

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Рожби на разума

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Shadow Country

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Family Patterns

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Timeless Treasures

Set in a historic village nestled in beautiful New England, every novel in this good, old-fashioned page-turning “Whodunit” series reveals the power of dreams and shows that faith in God always triumphs over...

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Servidão humana

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The Poems of Ossian

The Poems of Ossian translated by James MacPherson Esq., to which are prefixed a preliminary discourse and dissertations on the era and poems of Ossian. London, printed by Ellerton and Byworth,...

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Градът на илюзиите

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Mar 20th, 2017
Сечението на Айнщайн

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We All Fall Down

Today is September 10, 2001, and Will, a grade nine student, is spending the day at his father’s workplace tomorrow. As part of a school assignment, all the students in his class will be going with...

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Heaven's Keep

Intrepid hero Cork O’Connor faces the most harrowing mission of his life when a charter plane carrying his wife, Jo, goes missing in a snowstorm over the Wyoming Rockies. Months after the tragedy,...

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Zahrah the Windseeker

Zahrah the Windseeker (Houghton Mifflin, Sept 2005), written by Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu, is one of a very small handful of young adult fantasy novels that incorporate the myths and folklore and culture of West Africa. It is the winner of the 2008 Wole...

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The New Dead: A Zombie Anthology

RESURRECTION!The hungry dead have risen. They shamble down the street. They hide in back yards, car lots, shopping malls. They devour neighbors, dogs and police officers. And they are here to stay. The real question is, what are you going...

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When Pasquala Rumalda Quintana de Archuleta (Paski)'s father returns to Taos from a business trip wearing a velour Juicy men's track suit, she knows her life is taking a turn for the...

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Cartas del diablo a su sobrino

El eterno clásico sobre "las últimas novedades del Infierno y las irrebatibles respuestas del Cielo"Esta clásica obra maestra de sátira ha entretenido e iluminado a lectores alrededor del mundo con su irónica y astuta representación de la vida y las debilidades humanas desde el punto...

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