Tracey en mille morceaux

Nue sous un rideau de douche déchiré, Tracey Berkowitz, adolescente de quinze ans, est assise à l’arrière d’un autobus et raconte son histoire. C’est l’hiver, un blizzard fait rage, et Tracey cherche son petit frère, Sonny, qui se prend...

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Oct 29th, 2016
Hand in Hand

Inspired by the real-life story of Helen Keller and the servant girl Martha Washington!How did Helen Keller manage before Annie Sullivan came to teach her language? This fictionalized story of two very different girls in the South, two decades after the Civil...

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May 30th, 2016
The Phantom's Gold

Thirteen-year-old William McCoy's life changed forever a year ago when his father died. Now, his mother is moving on.but William still wants to hold on to the past. He sneaks out one night and takes...

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Mar 13th, 2017

Ten-year-old Nathan has a number of demons to confront and overcome. One of them is the school bully who delights in tormenting Nathan wherever he comes upon him and that can happen in unexpected and unpredictable ways. Another challenge...

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Inglise Patsient

'See oli mõnda aega pärast seda, kui Hana kohtas inglise patsienti - kedagi, kes nägi välja nagu põlenud loom, pingul ja tume, võrendik naise jaoks. Ja nüüd, mitu kuud hiljem on mees tema viimane patsient San Girolamo villas, nende sõda on läbi, mõlemad on keeldunud teistega koos Pisa haiglate...

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Whatever Doesn't Kill You

Jenna Cooper was only a few days old when her father was murdered and her family was shattered. Now fifteen, she daydreams of a picture-perfect sitcom family as she struggles with the gritty realities of her life. When Jenna finds out that...

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We All Fall Down

Today is September 10, 2001, and Will, a grade nine student, is spending the day at his father’s workplace tomorrow. As part of a school assignment, all the students in his class will be...

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