Inglise Patsient

A Literary Fiction, Fiction, Classics book. This was the time in her life that she fell...

'See oli mõnda aega pärast seda, kui Hana kohtas inglise patsienti - kedagi, kes nägi välja nagu põlenud loom, pingul ja tume, võrendik naise jaoks. Ja nüüd, mitu kuud hiljem on mees tema viimane patsient San Girolamo villas, nende sõda on läbi, mõlemad on keeldunud teistega koos Pisa haiglate kaitstusse naasmast. Kõik rannaäärsed sadamad, näiteks Sorrento ja Pisa oma, on nüüd täis Põhja-Ameerika ja Inglise vägesid, kes ootavad koju saatmist. Ent Hana pesi mundri puhtaks, voltis kokku ja tagastas lahkuvatele õdedele. Igal pool ei ole sõda veel läbi, öeldi talle. Sõda on läbi. Sõda on läbi. Siinne sõda. Talle öeldi, et see on sama hea kui deserteerimine. See ei ole deserteerimine. Ma jään siia. Teda hoiatati puhastamata miiniväljade, vee- ja toidupuuduse eest. Tema tuli üles põlenud mehe, inglise patsiendi juurde, ja ütles talle, et jääb ka siia.'

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 218 pages
  • ISBN: / 8498193532
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More About Inglise Patsient

I believe this. When we meet those we fall in love with, there is an aspect of our spirit that is historian, a bit of a pedant who reminisces or remembers a meeting when the other has passed by innocentlybut all parts of the body must be ready for the other, all atoms must jump in one direction for desire to occur. Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient // This was the time in her life that she fell upon books as the only door out of her cell. They became half her world. Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient // Every night I cut out my heart. But in the morning it was full again Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient //

The desert could not be claimed or ownedit was a piece of cloth carried by winds, never held down by stones, and given a hundred shifting names...The same might be said of the characters in The English Patient. For this is a beautiful, artfully crafted novel about the mapping of identity within borders, set before and during World war... Even though it was years and years ago that I saw it, I wish I'd read the book before seeing the movie made of The English Patient. It would likely have meant that I'd have despised the movie, but having seen it kept me putting my attention in certain places, and never seeing other aspects creeping up until it was too late. Note: The... Absolutely stunning. The English Patient follows four characters and their brief but powerful months spent together in an abandoned Italian villa after World War II. The prose is lyrical. Ondaatje moves lithely through the inner voices of each character: Hana, the young Canadian nurse; Caravaggio, the thief; Kip, the sapper; and the...

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