Oracles of Delphi Keep

A Childrens, Adventure, Fantasy book. Ian, an orphan living in 1930s Britain, loves nothing more than to go exploring. When...

Ian Wigby is about to find out that he is a very special boy.Along the southern coast of England, atop the White Cliffs of Dover, stands a castle. And at that castle’s old keep is an orphanage. Delphi Keep has seen many youngsters come and go through its gates, and Ian Wigby and his sister, Theodosia, are happy to call it home. Life has always been simple at the Keep, and the orphanage safe, until one day, Ian and Theo find a silver treasure box. And within the box, a prophesy. Three thousand years ago a great Greek oracle wrote of a quest. A quest on which the fate of the world depends. A quest that names two children—Ian and Theodosia. Suddenly...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 576 pages
  • ISBN: 9780440422587 / 440422582
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More About Oracles of Delphi Keep

Ian, an orphan living in 1930s Britain, loves nothing more than to go exploring. When he and his sister Theo spend their day away from the orphanage exploring some nearby underground caves, they come across some strange writing on the wall and a small silver box half buried in the ground. Unfortunately, they inadvertently disturb a... This is a long (550+ pages) but highly engaging, absorbing, and original fantasy tale centered around a British orphanage that is part of an earl's estate. The orphans live in a very old castle keep that contains all sorts of old tunnels that have been largely forgotten and left unexplored, except by some of the braver orphans. The... **** "Oracles of Delphi Keep" by Victoria Laurie, starts in 1930, with 5-year old Ian naming and being set guardian of 2-year old seer Theodesia, newest arrival to Delphi Keep, a Devon cliffs orphanage, during a thundering night. Horrible beast howls and dying screams hint at the fate of the poor horseman who accidentally delivered...

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