Mar 29th, 2016

Pojad ja armastajad

A Classics, Literature, Fiction book. There was only this one lamp-post. Behind was the great scoop of darkness, as if all the night...

Romaani tegevuspaik on väike kaevandusküla Bestwood. Peategelane Paul, kellel on edukad vend-õde William ja Annie, elab koos oma alkohoolikust isa ja intellektuaalist emaga. Kuigi Paul õpib alles koolis, peab ta vabrikus töötama. Kuid töö jääb Pauli sagedasti kimbutavate haiguste tõttu pooleli. Kui Paul kohtab Miriamit, saab alguse armastuslugu. Tüdruku tugev ja võimukas iseloom ning Pauli ema ülihoolitsev armastus oma poja vastu loovad peagi pingelise õhkkonna. Pauli elu kulgeb vaikselt edasi, ja ka armastatud vahelduvad, kuid loo peajooneks jäävad siiski ema ja poja vahelised suhted, mis leiavad kulminatsiooni romaani lõpus. Inglise kirjanik D. H. Lawrence (1885–1930) on kuulus oma realistliku esitlusviisi poolest, mis talle omal ajal ka pisut ebameeldivusi tekitas. Nimelt ei soovinud kirjastajad avaldada Lawrence'i...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 414 pages
  • ISBN: / 8498193370
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That's how women are with me " said Paul. "They want me like mad but they don't want to belong to me. D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers // There was only this one lamp-post. Behind was the great scoop of darkness, as if all the night were there. D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers // It was very still. The tree was tall and straggling. It had thrown its briers over a hawthorn-bush, and its long streamers trailed thick, right down to the grass, splashing the darkness everywhere with great spilt stars, pure white. In bosses of ivory and in large splashed stars the roses gleamed on the darkness of foliage and stems and grass. Paul and Miriam stood close together, silent, and watched. Point after point the steady roses shone out to them, seeming to kindle something in their souls. The dusk came like smoke around, and still did not put...

3/4th part of this book, I read word by word and could understand each person in the story and why they are as they are. At each point, they created sympathy in my mind for them, specially Mrs. Morel. It took me 1 month to finally finish this one. And I should admit that this one month didn't go all amazing. I thought each and every... I think between the stress of the death of my father, the poor narration on my audiobook, and the style of writing, I just did not enjoy this book at all. Something didn't click with me. I'm sorry I can't write more right now.2017 Reading Challenge: word of a family member in the title arty people who might better identify with sensitive, moody Paul

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