Apr 10th, 2016

The Gentrifier

"Someone is “disappearing” citizens from Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Some of the missing are criminals and homeless. Many others are plain working folks. Buildings are emptying. Families live in fear. The streets are deserted after dark. The police will not investigate hundreds of missing-person reports because the powerful and popular mayor has taken credit for a drop in homelessness and street crime during his re-election year. The media won’t cover “urban legend.” Some suspect white supremacist groups. A cocaine-kingpin- turned-neighborhood activist and an attractive young journalist must solve this mystery before more innocent men, women, and children vanish."

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 150 pages
  • ISBN: 9781499077896 / 0
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Romaaniga «Tuletorni juurde» (1927) tõestas Woolf oma kuulumist 20. sajandi parimate romaanikirjanike hulka. Teos kujutab endast tõepärast ja kaunist jutustust ühe inglise perekonna igapäevastest tegemistest Hebriididel. «Tuletorni juurde» on raamat, mida soovitatakse lugeda aegamisi, et kaunis stiil ja hingestatud laused kaotsi ei läheks.Virginia...

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Inglise kirjaniku ja kriitiku Edward Morgan Forsteri (1879–1970) «Howards End» (1910) on kirjaniku mainekaim romaan. See on vaimukas jutustus, mille sündmused leiavad aset ühes väikeses Inglise külas. Forster kirjeldab kahe naabri vahelisi suhteid, milles põrkuvad pisut boheemlaslik kunsti- ja kirjandusmaailm ning karm realistlik ärimaailm. Ühel poolel on õed Margaret...

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Apr 29th, 2016
世界の終わりがワンダーランド [Sekai no Owari ga Wonderland]

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May 12th, 2016
Carlos Gardel. Głos Argentyny

Buenos Aires na początku XX wieku było wielkim, nowoczesnym miastem, gdzie dzięki licznie przybywającym emigrantom z całego świata krzyżowały się różne kultury. Autorzy komiksu dokonują rekonstrukcji pejzażu i charakteru ówczesnej stolicy Argentyny. Przedstawiają własną wizję artystyczną, której główną osią fabularną jest biografia słynnego śpiewaka...

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Feb 9th, 2016
Materials Management with SAP Erp: Functionality And Technical Configuration

• Discover the power of Materials Management (MM) with SAP ERP in this completely updated and expanded edition • Explore how MM works and integrates with other key SAP software • Master core functionalities and configuration techniques...

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Sep 9th, 2016

There is no New York neighborhood that boasts a richer history or more exciting present than Williamsburg. At first a quiet waterside community, Williamsburg briefly became a wealthy suburb of Manhattan in the middle of the...

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Tank & Fizz: The Case of the Battling Bots

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What You Feel, You Can Heal: A Guide for Enriching Relationships

Download or read What You Feel, You Can Heal: A Guide for Enriching Relationships in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with What You Feel, You Can Heal: A Guide for Enriching Relationships.


Nov 16th, 2015
Freedom and Belief

This is a revised and updated edition of Galen Strawson's groundbreaking first book, where he argues that there is a fundamental sense in which there is no such thing as free will or true moral responsibility (as this...

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Jan 14th, 2017
Race and Class Matters at an Elite College

In Race and Class Matters at an Elite College, Elizabeth Aries provides a rare glimpse into the challenges faced by black and white college students from widely different class backgrounds as they come to live together as freshmen. Based on an intensive study that Aries conducted...

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Discussing the Undiscussable: A Guide to Overcoming Defensive Routines in the Workplace

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Roosi nimi

"Roosi nimi" on keerulise faabulaga omapärane sümbioos Eco semiootilistest ja kulturoloogilistest ideedest ning pakub erinevaid lugemistasandeid. Autor imiteerib keskaja kroonika stiili, jutustades kohutavatest sündmustest benediktiini kloostris 14. sajandil. Endine inkvisiitor Baskerville'i William saabub noviits Adsoga kloostrisse, kus vallandub terve kuritegude ahel. Sherlockholmesliku osavusega hakkab...

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