Jun 4th, 2017
Warrant for X

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Mar 5th, 2017
The D.A. Draws a Circle

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Forensics Squad Unleashed

Tabitha is thrilled to be attending a summer forensics camp, even if she has to go with her sort-of friend Mason. Soon she is learning to dust for fingerprints, photograph a crime scene and take...

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Enter the Saint

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Roosi nimi

"Roosi nimi" on keerulise faabulaga omapärane sümbioos Eco semiootilistest ja kulturoloogilistest ideedest ning pakub erinevaid lugemistasandeid. Autor imiteerib keskaja kroonika stiili, jutustades kohutavatest sündmustest benediktiini kloostris 14. sajandil. Endine inkvisiitor Baskerville'i William saabub noviits Adsoga kloostrisse, kus vallandub terve kuritegude...

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Sangre fría

En Pantano de sangre, la novela anterior, el lector descubrió que la muerte en África de Helen, la mujer de Pendergast, no había sido un accidente. Pero lo que averiguará en este libro es aún más asombroso. Pendergast y Judson Esterhazy, el hermano de Helen, viajan a Escocia para disfrutar...

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Dec 8th, 2016
El relicario

Cuando la policía encuentra dos esqueletos unidos en un abrazo en un río de Manhattan, Margo Green, conservadora del Museo de Historia Natural, es invitada a colaborar en la investigación, no solo por sus conocimientos antropológicos sino por su experiencia el año anterior cuando se enfrentó con una...

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May 24th, 2016

Kate Brannigan ist Teilhaberin der "Agentur für Sicherheitsberatung und Privatermittlungen" Mortensen & Brannigan, die sich vor allem auf Ermittlungen im Bereich der Wirtschaftskriminalität spezialisiert hat. Die Abwesenheit ihres Partners Bill zwingt Kate in gleich drei Fällen gleichzeitig zum Handeln.Diebstähle aus dem Lager einer...

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Apr 13th, 2017
Die Reportage

Freelance journalist Lindsay Gordon is strapped for cash. Why else would she agree to cover a fund-raising gala at a girls' public school? But when the star attraction is found garrotted with her own cello string minutes before she is due on stage, Lindsay finds herself investigating a vicious...

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Jul 18th, 2016

Hilke Thorhus, leidenschaftliche Unterwassersportlerin, freut sich auf die Tauchnacht an Norwegens Westküste. Als sie mit zwei Freunden zu später Stunde aufbricht, ahnt niemand, dass unter der schwarzen Oberfläche gerade eine weit weniger harmlose Unternehmung durchgeführt wird...Die Autorin Kim Småge war...

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Was sie nicht umbringt

Sie ist ein Brecher, eine Catcherin, die von ganz unten kommt, wo das ganze Elend, das Thatcherismus und Postthatcherismus angerichtet haben, voll eingeschlagen ist. Dort tummeln sich Straßenratten, müssen Huren unter miesesten Bedingungen arbeiten, Gewalt ist eine Umgangsform, auch unter Frauen. Liza Codys...

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May 27th, 2016
Der Aufsteiger

Leaving her new home in California for a trade union conference in Sheffield, Lindsay Gordon finds herself in the company of old friends – and enemies, including Tom Jack. When this unethical union leader is found dead, having catapulted out of Lindsay’s tenth-floor hotel room,...

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Treffpunkt Washington

Long before high-profile lesbian cops such as Laurie R. King's Kate Martinelli were fighting for our attention, a former Marine turned Los Angeles police detective named Kate Delafield was doing some quietly effective ground-breaking of her own under the expert guidance of Katherine V....

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Vollrausch : Kate Delafields achter Fall

When Detective Kate Delafield and her partner, Detective Joe Cameron, get the call to investigate a homicide in the secluded, old-money neighborhood of Hancock Park, Kate has the feeling it's not going to be murder as usual. Her hunch is...

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Lauernde Bestie

Meet Caitlin Reece. Smart, cool, tough. A dropout from conventional life. Highly competent in her chosen profession. She has no office, obtains clients by referral only, and never leaves her home without her .357 Magnum Smith and Wesson.Val Frazier, Victoria's star TV anchorwoman, is Caitlin's newest client. She is the...

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Dec 22nd, 2015
Sieben Leben

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Jul 7th, 2016
Miss Mooney

Being an actress in the late nineteenth century can be fraught with peril. For one thing, there are the lecherous theatre- goers—but Bridget Mooney can avoid them, except of course when she doesn't want to. "Hang it," Bridget explains, "what's a poor girl to...

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Stoner McTavish 2 Schatten

A fog bound village, a strange disappearance, an unexplained death and an old house where things go "bump" in the night. It all comes together in a suspicious "rest home" on the rocky coast of Maine, where Stoner McTavish, masquerading as a mental patient, encounters mystery, terror...

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Sep 24th, 2016
Blessed Is The Busybody

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The Haunting

About the Book: The Haunting The author of seven top ten bestselling romantic novels, Alan Titchmarsh's The Haunting moves between the early 19th century and present day with a story of love, betrayal, intrigue and murder that shows the past is closer than we think....

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After Life

Naomi Ash was born in New Orleans and raised by her mother, Patsy, a medium who schooled her young daughter in the parlor-trick chicanery of the trade. From Naomi recreating presences with table cloths to providing the voice of the dead by talking through a fan, their act is part...

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Family Patterns

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Timeless Treasures

Set in a historic village nestled in beautiful New England, every novel in this good, old-fashioned page-turning “Whodunit” series reveals the power of dreams and shows that faith in God always triumphs over anxiety and fear.Whether she’s making a log cabin quilt or delving into a real...

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Heaven's Keep

Intrepid hero Cork O’Connor faces the most harrowing mission of his life when a charter plane carrying his wife, Jo, goes missing in a snowstorm over the Wyoming Rockies. Months after the tragedy, two women show up on Cork’s doorstep with evidence that the pilot of...

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