Jul 1st, 2017

Perfect Enemy

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Apr 29th, 2016
世界の終わりがワンダーランド [Sekai no Owari ga Wonderland]

Download or read 世界の終わりがワンダーランド [Sekai no Owari ga Wonderland] in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with 世界の終わりがワンダーランド [Sekai no Owari ga Wonderland].


Jul 10th, 2016
Chase through Venice

Download or read Chase through Venice in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Chase through Venice.


Jul 18th, 2017
Elephants in My Backyard: Alex Aidekman's Own Story of Founding the Pathmark Supermarket Powerhouse

Download or read Elephants in My Backyard: Alex Aidekman's Own Story of Founding the Pathmark Supermarket Powerhouse in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Elephants in My Backyard: Alex Aidekman's Own Story of Founding the Pathmark Supermarket Powerhouse.


Jun 7th, 2017
Ben: A Memoir, from Street Kid to Governor

From a hardscrabble childhood in the rough Honolulu neighborhood of Kalihi to his two terms in the governor's mansion, Washington Place, Ben Cayetano's story offers a riveting look at Hawaii yesterday and today: ethnic voting, Hawaiian sovereignty,...

Download or read Ben: A Memoir, from Street Kid to Governor in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Ben: A Memoir, from Street Kid to Governor.

A Season of Loss, a Lifetime of Forgiveness: The Dan Snyder and Dany Heatley Story

Dan Snyder narrowly escaped being cut from his junior hockey team for two years in a row. That’s hardly the stuff that NHL careers are made of. But Snyder earned his spot on the NHL’s Atlanta Thrashers roster through...

Download or read A Season of Loss, a Lifetime of Forgiveness: The Dan Snyder and Dany Heatley Story in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with A Season of Loss, a Lifetime of Forgiveness: The Dan Snyder and Dany Heatley Story.

El imperio de plata

El Gran Khan ha muerto, pero su leyenda y su legado siguen vivos. Los ejércitos se han reunido y se disponen a comprobar cuál de los hijos de Gengis posee la...

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May 12th, 2016
Carlos Gardel. Głos Argentyny

Buenos Aires na początku XX wieku było wielkim, nowoczesnym miastem, gdzie dzięki licznie przybywającym emigrantom z całego świata krzyżowały się różne kultury. Autorzy komiksu dokonują rekonstrukcji pejzażu i charakteru ówczesnej stolicy Argentyny. Przedstawiają własną wizję artystyczną, której główną osią fabularną jest biografia słynnego śpiewaka tamtego okresu - Carlosa...

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Erotic Grotesque Nonsense: The Mass Culture of Japanese Modern Times

This history of Japanese mass culture during the decades preceding Pearl Harbor argues that the new gestures, relationship, and humor of ero-guro-nansensu (erotic grotesque nonsense) expressed a self-consciously modern ethos that...

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May 5th, 2017
The Other Dead #4

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May 13th, 2017
Locomotives: The Modern Diesel & Electric Reference: The Modern Diesel and Electric Reference

The essential photographic reference to modern North American locomotives. This remarkable large-format reference is a revised, updated and expanded work based on the author's Field Guide to Modern Diesel Locomotives. Locomotives covers all mainline models built for North American...

Download or read Locomotives: The Modern Diesel & Electric Reference: The Modern Diesel and Electric Reference in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Locomotives: The Modern Diesel & Electric Reference: The Modern Diesel and Electric Reference.


Mar 24th, 2017
The Other Dead #2

Download or read The Other Dead #2 in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Other Dead #2.


Jun 18th, 2016
Let's Go Bows!: Behind the Scenes of University of Hawaii Sports

Head trainer Melody Toth spent 30 years courtside and behind the scenes with the Rainbow Wahine, the basketball 'Bows and the other championship teams of University of Hawaii sports. In Let's Go 'Bows, she shares her insights and inside stories of this remarkable legacy the worldclass...

Download or read Let's Go Bows!: Behind the Scenes of University of Hawaii Sports in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Let's Go Bows!: Behind the Scenes of University of Hawaii Sports.
