Mulheres Perigosas

A Adult, Historical, Fantasy book. flailing George R.R. Martin, Dangerous Women //

George R. R. Martin apresenta as mulheres mais perigosas dos livros de fantasia. No ano em que o filme Rogue One chega às telas com uma heroína que reina absoluta, forte e autônoma, você vai conhecer as mulheres mais perigosas da literatura de fantasia mundial. Editada por George R. R. Martin, esta antologia traz 21 histórias inéditas sobre magia, ciúme, ambição, traição e rebeldia para Joana D’Arc nenhuma botar defeito. Esqueça o estereótipo de mulheres vítimas e heróis másculos enfrentando sozinhos qualquer perigo. Aqui...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 736 pages
  • ISBN: 9788544104804 / 8544104800
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More About Mulheres Perigosas

The world's nothing but a mean bully, that's a fact. Even when you've big misfortunes threatening to drop on your head, small ones still take every chance to prick your toes. George R.R. Martin, Dangerous Women // Men may plot and plan and scheme, but they had best pray as well, for no plan ever made by man has ever withstood the whims of the gods above. George R.R. Martin, Dangerous Women // flailing George R.R. Martin, Dangerous Women //

First off just to say I'm not a big fan of anthologies because I'm not a really big fan of the short stories, but even if I was I think I would think this is one if not the most over hyped and overrated anthologies of all times. I think in part it has to do with the publisher Tor hyping the book up over the summer with excepts of different... Mai precis 2,66. Cine are rbdare, las mai jos notele pentru fiecare proz n parte. 2, 3 texte chiar merit, ns deseori antologia amestec prea multe genuri i pare s fie improvizat ct s ias ceva!? nu a putea spune ce, ns la ce nume sunt pe copert ateptrile mele sunt mai mari dect ceea ce primeti n realitate.Abercrombie - Halal desperado!... 2 stars - Meh. Just ok.Major disappointment! Despite the big names involved, most of these stories were underwhelming, and almost all were forgettable. The Dangerous Women anthology contains the following stories:- Some Desperado by Joe Abercrombie - A Red Country story. 3.5 stars. Lots of action, sarcastically funny in parts. One of...

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