May 20th, 2017

Obama Antichrist

Can we be living in the last days of the Earth? Is there a living Antichrist toiling to subjugate humanity and usher in a hellish new age of enslavement? What is the relation of Barrack Hussein Obama to the adversary known as the Baraq-U-Bamah, the Satan that is called the Lightning from Heaven? Author Bensa Magos, armed with his extensive knowledge of the occult, pierces through the veils of deception and obfuscation truly at work in the world today. In an ever-secularized world, where Arhimanic and Luciferic forces increasingly encroach upon us, Magos exposes the demonic plans of the Baraq-U-Bamah. This work reveals the connections linking the Baraq-U-Bamah to Barrack Hussein Obama through an integrated study of the Antichrist from Biblical Revelation.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 310 pages
  • ISBN: 9781312934009 / 0
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