Apr 2nd, 2016

Swimming Lessons: Selected Poems

A Poetry book. I wish I could somehow express that area between 'liked it' and 'really liked...

This marvelous collection brings together the finest of Nancy Willard’s work Transporting us from Michigan farm country to the streets of New York, from a family picnic by a stream to snow-covered fields peopled by angels, the poems gathered here represent the best of Nancy Willard.Willard’s gift for peeling back everyday existence to reveal something magical and wondrous is everywhere in evidence here. Ordinary trees become surreal landscapes “fanning the fire in their stars” and “spraying fountains of light.” Poems featuring Great Danes, donkeys, and rabbits reveal Willard’s love for all living creatures. “How to...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 206 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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More About Swimming Lessons: Selected Poems

First saw "A Wreath for the Fish" in the L. A. Times book review one Sunday; both Andie and I clipped it. I like the one about the angel in the mirror, too, and "A Cat to his Dinner" is a small, perfect gem. Pair "Swimming Lessons" with the Mary Oliver "Swimming Lesson." I wish I could somehow express that area between 'liked it' and 'really liked it', especially with books of poetry or essays. The new poems in this book I like a great deal. Then the next few excerpts from books I'm not so crazy about, and then the few after that I thought were wonderful, and then I went lukewarm again. It's an uneven... I liked some of the poems and found others i.e. Carpenter of the Sun series confusing. At times some of the poems really jumped out with lyrical descriptions. First I have read of her works,

Feb 21st, 2017
Wedding Belles: Ideas & Inspiration from Island Brides

The rich multicultural heritage of its people and its breathtaking scenery make getting married in Hawaii a truly special experience. But even in paradise, planning a wedding has its challenges, and books and magazines published for a national bridal audience often overlook the special touches that make a...

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Dec 10th, 2016
Don't You Turn Back: Poems by Langston Hughes

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Oct 3rd, 2015
El Lobo de las Estepas

El joven Temujin, segundo hijo del khan de la tribu de los Lobos, tenía sólo once años cuando su padre murió asesinado en una emboscada. Su familia fue expulsada de la tribu y abandonada a...

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Jan 29th, 2016
Divrei Yoel - Selected Teachings of the Satmar Rebbe - Sefer Vayikra

Selected teachings of his holiness, Grand Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe, zy"a (1887-1979) on Sefer Vayikra, the Book of Leviticus, from his book Divrei Yoel. Contemporary Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Bible commentary from a revered leader, translated from Hebrew for the first time. Based on Bible, Talmud, Midrash, Kabbalah, Rishonim, Acharonim,...

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Mar 24th, 2017
The Other Dead #2

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Feb 27th, 2016
After the Banquet

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Jul 18th, 2017
Elephants in My Backyard: Alex Aidekman's Own Story of Founding the Pathmark Supermarket Powerhouse

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Jun 22nd, 2016
What's Left Here

Fandom: Hunger GamesRelationship: Gale Hawthorne/Madge Undersee--------------------------------------------------Gale and Madge, a short series of scenes from beginning to end: "Before her, he saw a life—one with Katniss as his wife, of Sunday's hunting, of working...

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Jul 28th, 2017
A Little White Book of Ghost Stories

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Nov 27th, 2015
Zigeuner: Geschichte Und Struktur Einer Rassistischen Konstruktion

Download or read Zigeuner: Geschichte Und Struktur Einer Rassistischen Konstruktion in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Zigeuner: Geschichte Und Struktur Einer Rassistischen Konstruktion.

A Little Something Different, Chapter Sampler

Download sample chapters of A Little Something Different, from the distinctive new crowdsourced publishing imprint Swoon Reads.The creative writing teacher, the delivery guy, the local Starbucks baristas, his best friend, her roommate, and the squirrel in the park all have one thing in common—they believe that...

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Erotic Grotesque Nonsense: The Mass Culture of Japanese Modern Times

This history of Japanese mass culture during the decades preceding Pearl Harbor argues that the new gestures, relationship, and humor of ero-guro-nansensu (erotic grotesque nonsense) expressed a self-consciously modern ethos that challenged state ideology and expansionism. Miriam...

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