Oct 3rd, 2015

El Lobo de las Estepas

A Historical, Fiction book. There was no justice in the world, but he had...

El joven Temujin, segundo hijo del khan de la tribu de los Lobos, tenía sólo once años cuando su padre murió asesinado en una emboscada. Su familia fue expulsada de la tribu y abandonada a su suerte, sin comida ni refugio, en las implacables estepas de Mongolia. Fue una dura introducción a la vida,...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 471 pages
  • ISBN: / 9788497347
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The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions, to see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms. Conn Iggulden, Genghis: Birth of an Empire // There was no justice in the world, but he had known that ever since the death of his father. The spirits took no part in the lives of men once they had been born. A man either endured what the world sent his way, or was crushed. Conn Iggulden, Genghis: Birth of an Empire // My son's name is Temujin," he said. "He will be iron. Conn Iggulden, Genghis: Birth of an Empire //

everyone Review in Portuguese from Desbravando Livros:Esse livro estava h anos na minha cabea e sempre tive vontade de desbrav-lo, mas infelizmente o tempo ia passando e a hora dele nunca chegava, at que comecei a assistir ao seriado Marco Polo e finalmente me veio a inspirao para ler a to recomendada obra de Conn Iggulden. S me restou pegar... I loved this. This is historical fiction about Genghis Khan. Now, I will say that the author took certain liberties with the facts, so if you are a true historian and a stickler for 100% accuracy you should probably move on. But the "creative" differences didn't bother me at all. This was a very compelling story. From the beginning...

The Soul Winner

English evangelist C. H. Spurgeon, one of the most popular preachers of the late 19th century, was so renowned for converting nonbelievers to Christianity that he earned the sobriquet "the soul-winner." Here, in...

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El imperio de plata

El Gran Khan ha muerto, pero su leyenda y su legado siguen vivos. Los ejércitos se han reunido y se disponen a comprobar cuál de los hijos de Gengis posee la fuerza necesaria para ser kan. El imperio mongol ha estado...

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Growing crops & plants by electricity. Explaining what has been done on a practical scale

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Jul 18th, 2017
Elephants in My Backyard: Alex Aidekman's Own Story of Founding the Pathmark Supermarket Powerhouse

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The Other Dead #2

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Sep 9th, 2016

There is no New York neighborhood that boasts a richer history or more exciting present than Williamsburg. At first a quiet waterside community, Williamsburg briefly became a wealthy suburb of Manhattan in the middle of the nineteenth century....

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When Rennie's dad, the Major, goes overseas on assignment, he enlists his mother-in-law to babysit Rennie. Babysit! A guy who's about to turn fifteen! But Grandma is no surrogate drill sergeant. She has fun on her mind. That means ditching...

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19 Masks For The Naked Poet: Poems

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The Eisenberg Constant

"The Eisenberg Constant" (first published in 2001 as part of a prose collection of the same name) tells the story of Henry Selinger who leads an easy life inside the eponymous time loop. The simulated reality resets on a weekly basis,...

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A-Force #2

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Aafrika äärel

«Aafrika äärel» (1937–1938) on lopsaks lugu Aafrikast, esitatud haritud eurooplanna silmade ja kogemuste kaudu. Tähelepanu väärivad kirjaniku värvikad ja liigutavad kirjeldused kohalikest elanikest, neist kumab läbi Blixeni oskus hinnata eri rasside esindajaid ning tema austus nende kultuuri ja kommete vastu. Erilist tähelepanu pälvivad raamatus ka loomad, kellega...

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