Jul 7th, 2016

Growing crops & plants by electricity. Explaining what has been done on a practical scale

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Sep 23rd, 2016

When Rennie's dad, the Major, goes overseas on assignment, he enlists his mother-in-law to babysit Rennie. Babysit! A guy who's about to turn fifteen! But Grandma is no surrogate drill sergeant. She has fun on her mind. That means ditching school and heading...

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Oct 7th, 2015
Portion Size Me: A Kid-Driven Plan to a Healthier Family

Make a Simple Change That Makes a World of Difference!Tired of being picked on, unhappy with his appearance, and feeling down on himself, Marshall Reid decided to change his lifestyle and demanded that...

Download or read Portion Size Me: A Kid-Driven Plan to a Healthier Family in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Portion Size Me: A Kid-Driven Plan to a Healthier Family.


Jan 14th, 2016
さむがり兵長 [Samugari Heichou]

Download or read さむがり兵長 [Samugari Heichou] in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with さむがり兵長 [Samugari Heichou].

Tracey en mille morceaux

Nue sous un rideau de douche déchiré, Tracey Berkowitz, adolescente de quinze ans, est assise à l’arrière d’un autobus et raconte son histoire. C’est l’hiver, un blizzard fait rage, et Tracey cherche son petit frère, Sonny, qui se prend pour un chien. Pendant tout le...

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Feb 11th, 2016
Water Walker

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A Little Something Different, Chapter Sampler

Download sample chapters of A Little Something Different, from the distinctive new crowdsourced publishing imprint Swoon Reads.The creative writing teacher, the delivery guy, the local Starbucks baristas, his best friend, her roommate, and the squirrel in the park all have one thing in common—they believe that...

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Lay My Burden Down: A Folk History of Slavery

In the 1930's, the last decade when many men and women who were born under slavery and freed by the Emancipation Proclamation still lived, the New Deal's Federal Writing Project made an extraordinary and important decision. It sent interviewers to ask these...

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El imperio de plata

El Gran Khan ha muerto, pero su leyenda y su legado siguen vivos. Los ejércitos se han reunido y se disponen a comprobar cuál de los hijos de Gengis posee la fuerza necesaria para ser kan. El imperio mongol ha estado en paz durante dos años, pero el superviviente se...

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Apr 9th, 2017
Testimony of the Invisible Man; William Carlos Williams, Francis Ponge, Rainer Maria Rilke, Pablo Neruda.

Download or read Testimony of the Invisible Man; William Carlos Williams, Francis Ponge, Rainer Maria Rilke, Pablo Neruda. in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Testimony of the Invisible Man; William Carlos Williams, Francis Ponge, Rainer Maria Rilke, Pablo Neruda..


May 5th, 2017
The Other Dead #4

Download or read The Other Dead #4 in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Other Dead #4.


Mar 10th, 2017
la hija del nilo

En el año 48 a.C., una jovencísima Cleopatra, la última heredera de los faraones y de la sangre de Alejandro Magno, comparte el trono de Egipto con un hermano al que aborrece, Ptolomeo. Muy...

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Jun 23rd, 2017
The Two of Us

A collection of short plays Black and SilverCharacters: 1 male, 1 femaleInterior SetIn this short, affecting and laughable scene parents are awakened in the middle of the night by the baby. They stumble about trying to pacify the infant. At one...

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