Vahva sõduri Švejki juhtumised maailmasõja päevil

A Novels, World War I, Fiction book. The lieutenants fooling around again with the telegraph girl at...

«Švejk» (1921–1923) on vaieldamatult Hašeki kuulsaim teos, mida on ühtekokku tõlgitud 60 keelde. Romaan räägib Esimese maailmasõja aegsest Austria-Ungari keisiriigist ja kujutab sõjast tingitud tohuvabohu esmapilgul lihtsameelsena mõjuva inimese pilguga. See on naljakas lugu Josef Švejkist, kes naaseb Esimese maailmasõja puhkedes taas sõjaväkke. Pealtnäha lihtsameelne Švejk oskab inimesi ja olukordi läbi näha ning lähtub põhimõttest: «Kaugemale ohvitseridest, lähemale köögile!» Tal on annet jääda igas olukorras patuoinaks, kuid probleeme aitab tal ületada vankumatu huumorimeel ja tõrgeteta funktsioneeriv talupojatarkus. Hašek ei jõudnud paraku oma romaani lõpetada, kuid see ei ole kahandanud selle suurepärase teose väärtust.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 636 pages
  • ISBN: / 8498193575
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More About Vahva sõduri Švejki juhtumised maailmasõja päevil

You're right,' said the corporal. 'It serves editors like that right. They only stir the people up. Last year when I was still only a lance-corporal I had an editor under me and he called me nothing else but a disaster for the army, but when I taught him unarmed drill and he sweated, he always used to say: "Please respect the human being in me." But I gave him hell for his human being when the order was "flat down" and there were a lot of puddles in the barracks courtyard....As I said, he was always on about his "human being" and nothing else. Once when... The lieutenants fooling around again with the telegraph girl at the station, said the corporal, after he had gone. Hes been running after her for a fortnight and hes always frightfully furious when he comes from the telegraph office and he says about her: Shes a whore. She wont sleep with me! Jaroslav Haek, The Good Soldier vejk // After debauches and orgies there always follows the moral hangover. Jaroslav Haek, The Good Soldier vejk //

. ( ) . . . . . ( ) . . . . : ( ) . ( Good Soldier ) . . . . . . . My initial reaction to this book after reading the first few chapters is that it reminded me of Catch-22. Sure enough, after some research, I found out that Heller credits Hasek's work as one of his key influences. If you appreciate the biting satire, base humor, and no-holds-barred castigation of bureaucratic organizations in Catch-22,... The first time I read this book, as a teenager, I could not see the point. So I put it down without finishing it. Now I see it as one of the great books. The character of Svejk is straight out of folklore. He is the foolish man who somehow kills the giant, gets the princess and claims the gold. Except that here is no fairy tale, but...

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