Пясъчни врати

A Science Fiction, Fiction, Fantasy book. Did you ever look back at some moment in your past and...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 208 pages
  • ISBN: / 9548340363
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You are one of the few successful persons I know.""Me? Why?""You know precisely what you are doing and you do it well.""But I don't really do much of anything.""And of course the quantity means nothing to you, nor the weight others place upon your actions. In my eyes, that makes you a success.""By not giving a damn? But I do, you know.""Of course you do, of course you do! But it is a matter of style, an awareness of choice Roger Zelazny, Doorways in the Sand // Time means a lot to me, paperwork wastes it, and I have always been a firm believer in my right to do anything I cannot be stopped from doing. Which sometimes entails not getting caught at it. This is not quite so bad as it sounds, as I am a decent, civilized, likable guy. So, shading my eyes against the blue and fiery afternoon, I began searching for ways to convince the authorities of this. Lying, I decided, was probably best. Roger Zelazny, Doorways in the Sand // Did you ever look back at some moment in your past and have it suddenly grow so vivid that all the intervening years seemed brief, dreamlike, impersonalthe motions of a May afternoon surrendered to routine? Roger Zelazny, Doorways in the Sand //

Fred Cassidy is a normal student as normal as Zelaznys characters can be. His uncle provided him with good money for college until he graduates if he maintains a full-time status, so no wonder that guy does everything not to. He was successful avoiding finishing the college for eighteen years changing majors just in time before he fulfills... I had forgotten this gem until a question on a Zelazny recommendation sent me to my shelves to rediscover this blend of Alice in Wonderland and crime caper. Set in an Earth very similar to our own, aliens have made contact and invited us to join the galactic federation. As a token of sincerity, we're participating in an artifact exchange,... I don't know why I didn't read this book sooner, or why I put it down when I first started reading it several years ago. Maybe it didn't click with me back then, but opening up the book with a character that basically wants to stay in college as long as possible definitely rang true with me this time around. From there...it takes a...

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