El libro inclinado

A Childrens, Classics, Humor book. Little Bobby's go-cart breaks away from his nurse on a hill that gives him quite...

Each page spread in this beautifully illustrated book of verse shows a baby carriage that has escaped from the nanny's grasp and keeps rolling downhill. This classic children's book was a pioneer of special format books for its unusual shape, and is now available for a whole new generation of children. Escrito en verso y bellamente ilustrado, cada doble página muestra un cochecito de bebé que se ha escapado de las manos de la niñera y va corriendo calle abajo. Este clásico libro para niños fue pionero en los formatos de libros especiales y está nuevamente disponible para una nueva generación de niños.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 52 pages
  • ISBN: 9788496473652 / 8496473651
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More About El libro inclinado

Synopsis: A boy in a go-cart rushes down a hill, smashing into one person after another.Format: The book literally slanted.Text: This is a rhyming poem and includes some pretty challenging words. My reaction: Cool idea with the slanted pages. I found the manic glee on the boy's face as he destroys things a little disturbing, especially... The Slant Book was very interesting. This book can fall into the category of science fiction and poetry simultaneously. This book would be appropriate for children ages 8-12, although some words might not be understood by them. It was entertaining. This book teaches children about gravity and how an object in motion stays in motion.... Little Bobby's go-cart breaks away from his nurse on a hill that gives him quite a speed. What follows is a wild series of events as Bobby careens down the hill and meets all sorts of people in his international metropolis.This book was originally written about a century ago (that is also about the time period setting) so the city Bobby...

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