Sep 23rd, 2016


A Young Adult book. Rennie's dad, the Major is sent overseas and leaves Rennie's grandma to watch over him....

When Rennie's dad, the Major, goes overseas on assignment, he enlists his mother-in-law to babysit Rennie. Babysit! A guy who's about to turn fifteen! But Grandma is no surrogate drill sergeant. She has fun on her mind. That means ditching school and heading to avalanche country for a surprise ski trip. Nothing can ruin Rennie's vacation, not the lodge owner, who turns out to be Grandma's geriatric long-ago boyfriend, not the annoying backcountry guide or the crooked park ranger or the pushy businessman from Mumbai, not even the explosions. And definitely not the most beautiful girl in the world, whom he meets while stumbling onto a murder plot. In this hair-raising prequel to Close to the Heel and From the Dead, the loyal, smart and observant Rennie heads to avalanche country.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 192 pages
  • ISBN: 9781459811676 / 0
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More About Slide

Slide is the prequel to Norah McClintock's contributions to 7 the Series. Rennie is left with Gramma when his father must leave on business, only she takes him away on a ski vacation in the Sierra Nobles. Once there, Gramma has an unfortunate accident and Rennie is left up to his own devices. He starts to notice many things, most of... Slide by esteemed author Norah McClintock, is the part of the Seven Prequels. tTough I had read the previous two books about an older Rennie in the original "Seven" and "Seven Series", revisiting a younger Rennie is a uniquely told story! The major difference in this narrative is that Rennie spends his time with his very active and... Rennie's dad, the Major is sent overseas and leaves Rennie's grandma to watch over him. Shortly after the Major's depature , the grandma plans a ski trip to the Swiss Alps for the two of them. While there grandma breaks her ankle skiing, leaving Rennie on his own, romance and adventure is in the arisen with a mix of the unknown thrown...

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