Discussing the Undiscussable: A Guide to Overcoming Defensive Routines in the Workplace

Paperback. Pub Date: 08 2007 Pages: 288 Publisher: John Wiley Since his 1990 the Landmark book Overcoming Organizational Defenses Chris Argyris has extensively researched and written about how well-meaning smart people create vicious Cycles of Defensive Behavior to protect themselves from embarrassment and threat. In Discussing the Undiscussable. Bill Noonan...

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What You Feel, You Can Heal: A Guide for Enriching Relationships

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Lendas üle käopesa

Pealik Bromden, segavereline ameerika indiaanlane, keda võimud kurdiks ja tummaks peavad, räägib loo vaimuhaiglast, kus kõikvõimsa Asutuse soovil valitseb Suure Õe tahe. Sellesse kohutavasse halli maailma satub uljas mängur McMurphy, kes alustab visa võitlust oma...

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Mars and Venus: 365 Ways to Keep Passion Alive

Nobody knows more about the differences between the sexes than John Gray, Ph.D. He is the man America turns to for help in deciphering the myriad complexities men and women face daily in their interactions with each other....

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Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus: Nine Principles for Lasting Love, Increasing Success, and Vibrant Health in the Twenty-first Century

Practical advice from the author of the No. 1 hardcover of the last decade for filling each day with wonder,power, and fulfillment.Awaken your power to create practical miracles so that you can adjust to life's challenges and respond with greater peace, joy, and love.John Gray provides...

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Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope with Explosive Feelings

Teaching children how to manage their intense emotions is one of the most difficult aspects of parenting or educating gifted children. Emotional Intensity in Gifted Students: Helping Kids Cope With Explosive Feelings provides a much-needed resource for parents and educators for understanding of why gifted children are...

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Coaching for Performance

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