Lendas üle käopesa

A Classics, Fiction, Literature book. He knows that you have to laugh at the things that hurt you just to keep yourself in balance,...

Pealik Bromden, segavereline ameerika indiaanlane, keda võimud kurdiks ja tummaks peavad, räägib loo vaimuhaiglast, kus kõikvõimsa Asutuse soovil valitseb Suure Õe tahe. Sellesse kohutavasse halli maailma satub uljas mängur McMurphy, kes alustab visa võitlust oma heidutatud kaaspatsientide kaitseks. Järgneb ühtaegu lustlik ja heroiline, traagiline ja lõpuks vabastav lõpplahendus.Juba esimesest trükist alates võitis Ken Kesey vapustav esikromaan endale koha tänapäeva kirjandusklassikas.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 280 pages
  • ISBN: / 8498196051
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More About Lendas üle käopesa

He Who Marches Out Of Step Hears Another Drum Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest // He knows that you have to laugh at the things that hurt you just to keep yourself in balance, just to keep the world from running you plumb crazy. Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest // He's the sort of guy that gets a laugh out of people. Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest //

Last night, at about 2 am, I finished 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' by Ken Kesey. I lay awake for a long time afterward, watching the bars of light on the ceiling, holding my eyes open until the pupils dilated enough to shrink the light, then I'd blink and have to start all over.Finally I sat up and turned on the lights. The book... I thought this was one of the best books I had ever read years ago. (just could not stop thinking of it)....THEN....I went to see the stage play in S.F. (young maiden in High School) -- Powerful Classic! Painful and heartbreaking to witness humanity's struggle to have a decent life while living within the boundaries others set for them. Not to be a rabbit, that is the ultimate goal!

Howards End

Inglise kirjaniku ja kriitiku Edward Morgan Forsteri (1879–1970) «Howards End» (1910) on kirjaniku mainekaim romaan. See on vaimukas jutustus, mille sündmused leiavad aset ühes väikeses Inglise külas. Forster kirjeldab kahe naabri vahelisi suhteid, milles põrkuvad pisut boheemlaslik kunsti-...

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