Oct 29th, 2016

Hand in Hand

A Cultural, Canada book. A Diamond Willow nominee for 2017, this is a book I am sure the girls...

Inspired by the real-life story of Helen Keller and the servant girl Martha Washington!How did Helen Keller manage before Annie Sullivan came to teach her language? This fictionalized story of two very different girls in the South, two decades after the Civil War, builds on the mentions of Martha Washington in Keller’s autobiography and reimagines their relationship.Martha, Helen’s constant companion, is the cook’s daughter — a black girl, just a few years older, and the person who best understood Helen’s attempts at communication. Charged with keeping the unruly younger girl occupied and out of trouble, Martha is sometimes bullied, sometimes a co-conspirator, and often Helen’s rescuer. She is with Helen as Annie teaches her words and language, even on the miraculous day when Helen understands that the water running over one hand, and the word W-A-T-E-R that is being spelled into the other, are connected — the event that freed Helen to communicate with the wider world.When Jean Little revisited Keller’s The Story of My Life, she became fascinated with the few mentions of Martha...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 128 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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A Diamond Willow nominee for 2017, this is a book I am sure the girls will like. How can a person be a friend to someone who is blind and deaf? An easy read and keeps you interested.I know I read the Helen Keller biography , The Story of My Life, years ago. apparently it mentioned Martha Washington the black girl who was the daughter... This fictional account of Helen Keller's childhood friend Martha, is a beautiful companion to the biography , novel and play. Martha is often tasked with looking after Helen and the job gets more and more challenging as Helen grows. Middle grade readers today face many of the same difficulties and will easily relate to Martha's frustrations....

Jul 24th, 2016
Good-night Blessing Book

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Dec 4th, 2015
Raggedy Ann and the Christmas Thief

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Jan 14th, 2016
さむがり兵長 [Samugari Heichou]

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Nov 17th, 2016
Entre Espoir Et Nostalgie: Roman

Entre espoir et nostalgie fait écho au précédent roman de Tecia Werbowski, Ich bin Prager, où lon suivait le destin dun Anglais vivant à Prague jusquà la chute du mur de Berlin. Cette fois, le personnage principal est une...

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Jun 22nd, 2016
What's Left Here

Fandom: Hunger GamesRelationship: Gale Hawthorne/Madge Undersee--------------------------------------------------Gale and Madge, a short series of scenes from beginning to end: "Before her, he saw a life—one with Katniss as his wife, of Sunday's hunting, of working in the mines. That life isn't terrible, he tells himself, but...

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Tuletorni juurde

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Dec 2nd, 2015
Philippians: A Mentor Commentary

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Nov 8th, 2015
Southern Pacific in Color, Vol. 1

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Oct 7th, 2015
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Apr 18th, 2016
Carpenter of the Sun: Poems

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