The Shaker Experience in America: A History of the United Society of Believers

A History, Religion, North American Hi... book. Informative and detailed work on the Shakers and their sometimes conflicting beliefs and practices. While in some ways this was...

The Shakers, once a radical religious sect whose members were despised and harassed by their fellow Americans, have in recent years become celebrated—and sentimentalized—for their communal way of life, the simplicity of their worship, their belief in celibacy, pacifism, and equality of the sexes, and not least, their superb furniture and handicrafts. This monumental book is the first general history of the Shakers from their origins in eighteenth-century England to the present day. Drawing on written and oral testimony by Shakers over the past two centuries, Stephen J. Stein offers a full and often revisionist account of the movement: their charismatic leaders, the early years in revolutionary New York and New England, the expansion into the West, the maturation and growth of the sect before the Civil War, the decline...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 574 pages
  • ISBN: 9780300059335 / 300059337
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More About The Shaker Experience in America: A History of the United Society of Believers

First book I ever read about the shakers. Glad I did as it got me hooked. Informative and detailed work on the Shakers and their sometimes conflicting beliefs and practices. While in some ways this was just another strict Protestant fundamentalist sect, they were also astonishingly innovative, both in their refreshingly unorthodox theology and in the 19th Century world of manufacturing and agriculture. Shaker... This is definitely a scholarly work, but very informative and covers the entire length of Shaker existence. I learned a great deal.

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