Coaching for Performance

A Psychology, Personal Development, Self Help book. Traditional silo or linear thinking is no longer sufficient to cope with unpredictable emergencies....

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 168 pages
  • ISBN: 9781857881707 / 1857881702
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More About Coaching for Performance

Mike Sprecklen was the coach and mentor to the famous all-conquering rowing pair Andy Holmes and Steve Redgrave. I was stuck, I had taught them all I knew technically, Sprecklen said on completion of a Performance Coaching course many years ago, but this opens up the possibility of going further, for they can feel things that I cant even see. He had discovered a new way forward with them, working from their experience and perceptions rather than from his own. Good coaching, and good mentoring for that matter, can and should take a performer beyond the... Traditional silo or linear thinking is no longer sufficient to cope with unpredictable emergencies. We need the capacity to take a whole-system approach that is a product of personal development, of moving from the old fear paradigm to one of trust and of recognizing that humankind is evolving both socially and spiritually. Individuals can evolve far faster than the collective if they decide to embark on a personal developmental journey. Given the leadership failures that are so apparent today, a little compulsory evolution would do our leaders no harm... The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines the verb to coach as to tutor, train, give hints to, prime with facts. This does not help us much, for those things can be done in many ways, some of which bear no relationship to coaching. Coaching is as much about the way these things are done as about what is done. Coaching delivers results in large measure because of the supportive relationship between the coach and the coachee, and the means and style of communication used. The coachee does acquire the facts, not from the coach but from within himself, stimulated...

It's a great book about coaching. Introduces the key fundamentals about coaching as well as a structured framework to apply as a coach. Very intuitive and easy to understand model for increasing one's performance. This model can be applied in many realms of life, particularly useful in business and sport. Of the many coaching models, this one ranks in my top 5. Very well written, lots of practical examples, great structure

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