The Soul Winner

A Spirituality, Nonfiction, Church book. The best attraction is the gospel in its purity. The weapon...

English evangelist C. H. Spurgeon, one of the most popular preachers of the late 19th century, was so renowned for converting nonbelievers to Christianity that he earned the sobriquet "the soul-winner." Here, in his classic work on the process and power of preaching, Spurgeon shares his anecdotes and advice on bringing hearts to God. He discusses: . what it means to win a soul . what it takes to make a soul-winning preacher . how to earn the respect of the skeptical . the kinds of sermons that...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 260 pages
  • ISBN: 9781602067707 / 1602067708
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and what I have said of soul-winners, belongs not to the learned doctor of divinity, or to the eloquent preacher alone, but to you all who are in Christ Jesus. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The Soul Winner // In Gods school, the teachers must be masters of the art of holiness. If we teach one thing by our lips and another by our lives, those who listen to us will say, Physician, heal thyself. Thou sayest, Repent. Where is thine own repentance? Thou sayest, Serve God, and be obedient to His will. Do you serve Him? Are you obedient to His will? An unholy ministry would be the derision of the world, and a dishonour to God. Be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord. He will speak through a fool if he be but a holy man. I do not, of course, mean that God... The increase of the kingdom is more to be desired than the growth of a clan. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The Soul Winner: How To Lead Sinners To The Saviour //

Amazing book on evangelism. This book was both inspiring and convicting, and I enjoyed every page. Powerful writing, essential reading for every professing Christian its very deep and there is a lot of really good solid advice for soulwinning and soulwinners.

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The Soul Winner

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