Градът на илюзиите

A Audiobook, Literature, Fiction book. I am no more lonely than the loon on the pond that laughs so loud. Ursula K. Le Guin, City...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 160 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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Was he leaving home, or going home? Ursula K. Le Guin, City of Illusions // Hope is a slighter, tougher thing even than trust, he thought, pacing his room as the soundless, vague lightning flashed overhead. In a good season one trusts life; in a bad season one only hopes, But they are of the same essence: they are the mind's indispensable relationship with other minds, with the world, and with time. Without trust, a man lives, but not a human life; without hope, he dies. When there is no relationship, where hands do not touch, emotion atrophies in void and intelligence goes sterile and obsessed. Between men the only link left... When all ways are lost the way is clear. Ursula K. Le Guin, City of Illusions //

Se jugaba entero a esta creencia: que un hombre honesto no puede ser engaado, que la verdad, si el juego se jugaba hasta las ltimas consecuencias conducira a la verdad. Un hombre con los ojos amarillos con pupilas semejantes a un gato sale del Bosque sin memoria, una comunidad lo cuida, le ensea su lengua, y despus de unos aos Falk-como... "Imagine Darkness.""In the darkness that faces outward from the sun a mute spirit woke. Wholly involved in chaos he knew no pattern. He had no language, and did not know the darkness to be night"Talk about an opening paragraph! Even if this hadn't been a gift, I would have purchased the book for that opening scene alone. This book is... Other reviewers emphasize that there is no need to read La Guin's Hainish series in any particular order. But I do not know what I would have made of City of Illusions had I not read Planet of Exile first. When this novel came out, there had been three Hainish novels published in two years, and so readers did not have the eight novels...

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Don't You Turn Back: Poems by Langston Hughes

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Tuletorni juurde

Romaaniga «Tuletorni juurde» (1927) tõestas Woolf oma kuulumist 20. sajandi parimate romaanikirjanike hulka. Teos kujutab endast tõepärast ja kaunist jutustust ühe inglise perekonna igapäevastest tegemistest Hebriididel. «Tuletorni juurde» on raamat, mida soovitatakse lugeda aegamisi, et kaunis stiil ja hingestatud laused kaotsi ei läheks.Virginia Woolf (1882–1941) sündis Inglismaal Londonis. Woolf, kellest...

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Playwright and novelist Michael Frayn originally came to prominence as the writer of short, surreal, razor-sharp explorations of human foibles, sex, politics, manners, and the events of the day. Here are 110 of his finest and funniest pieces, selected and introduced by himself. Michael Frayn is the author...

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The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader

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Cochon D'allemand

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