En la corte del lobo

A Historical, Tudor Period, Novels book. But it is no use to justify yourself. It is no good to explain. It is...

1520. Inglaterra está a un paso del desastre. Si el rey muere sin un heredero varón, la guerra civil amenaza con destruir el país. Tras veinte años de matrimonio, Enrique VIII quiere divorciarse de Catalina de Aragón y casarse con Ana Bolena. Pero la oposición del papa y de la mayoría de las coronas europeas es tajante, y el rey, enfurecido, pone al límite al cardenal Wolsey, que no consigue el beneplácito de Roma.En este clima de acechanza y necesidad llega a la corte Thomas Cromwell, al principio como segundo de Wolsey y más tarde como su sucesor. Ejemplo del hombre nuevo del Renacimiento que esbozara Maquiavelo, hijo de un herrero que lo maltrató brutalmente, genio político, corrupto, encantador y fanfarrón, Cromwell es un hombre fascinante, cuyo vertiginoso ascenso al poder rompe todas las reglas de una sociedad rígida e inmovilista, un político habilísimo que se enfrenta al Parlamento, a la nobleza, a la clase política, al papa, y perfila...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 751 pages
  • ISBN: / 9788423344
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He turns to the painting. "I fear Mark was right.""Who is Mark?""A silly little boy who runs after George Boleyn. I once heard him say I looked like a murderer."Gregory says, "Did you not know? Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall // When have I, when have I ever forced anyone to do anything, he starts to say: but Richard cuts in, "No, you don't, I agree, it's just that you are practiced at persuading, and sometimes it's quite difficult, sir, to distinguish being persuaded by you from being knocked down in the street and stamped on."-Richard (?) nee Cromwell to Thomas Cromwell,358 Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall // I was always desired. But now i am valued. And that is a different thing, i find. Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall //

For the first 100 pages I was like a Monkees song, you know the one -[Cue cute organ/guitar intro]I thought great historical novels about the 16th century were only true in fairy talesMeant for someone else but not for meMmm, historical novelists were out to get meThat's the way it seemedDisappointment haunted all my dreamsThen I read... BR with Hayat 2.5 StarsThese Tudor memes are amazing. They're worthy of losing your head over. Dear oh dear where do I begin... I've always been fascinated by the Tudor Dynasty, especially Queen Elizabeth I. And since I'm obsessed with Anne Boleyn, I thought this would be a perfect book for me. It's well-written... but sadly far from... First off I'd like to say without the least reservation that Ms Mantel thoroughly deserves all the accolades she has garnered for this novel - and there have been some. She herself describes the process of writing it in terms of a sustained hallucination, as if she were in a film, occupying the same space as the main protagonist, with...

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