Mr. Sammleri planeet

A 20th Century, Modern, Adult Fiction book. The Indian temperament is so excitable, you know. Saul Bellow, Mr. Sammler's Planet //

«Mr. Sammleri planeet» (1969–70) jutustab loo New Yorgis elavast vanast juudi mehest. Väsinud ja kibestunud, intelligentne, ent vaene Mr Sammler on oma elu jooksul kogenud väga raskeid aegu – ja nüüd on linnadžunglis tema peamiseks tegevuseks ja meelelahutuseks inimeste vaatlemine. Holokausti üle elanud mees jälgib oma ainsa terve silmaga eriti tähelepanelikult just nooremat sugupõlve – mustanahalisi taskuvargaid, üliõpilastest revolutsionääre ja halbade kommetega noorukeid. Samal ajal tuleb vanaldasel intellektuaalil hakkama saada ka oma mitte just eeskujulike perekonnaliikmetega. Tegemist on tõeliselt liigutava ja võimsa raamatuga, mida on pärast lugema hakkamist väga raske käest panna. Saul Bellow (1915–2005) on üks tuntumaid Teise maailmasõja järgse Ameerika kirjanduse esindajaid. Bellow on saanud hulgaliselt mainekaid kirjandusauhindu. «Mr. Sammleri planeet» pälvis 1971. a USA riikliku kirjandustauhinna. Saul Bellow on saanud ka maineka Nobeli kirjanduspreemia (1976).

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 224 pages
  • ISBN: / 8498193354
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More About Mr. Sammleri planeet

The terms which, in his inmost heart, each man knows. As I know mine. As all know. For that is the truth of it that we all know, God, that we know, that we know, we know, we know. Saul Bellow, Mr. Sammler's Planet // The Indian temperament is so excitable, you know. Saul Bellow, Mr. Sammler's Planet // Being right was largely a matter of explanations. Saul Bellow, Mr. Sammler's Planet //

Libro stralunato, inquieto, a tratti lento l e n t o l e n t o ,un secondodopocorrearottadicollo verso il porto, verso la nave dei folli attraccata al molo che ci aspettaSi, lo sguardo sognante e spaesato e fiducioso di Sammler mi piace, nelle mie corde, uomo sempre in bilico, uomo inquieto, mai immobile, mai domo. In another amazing and moving tour de force, Bellow explores themes of mortality and morality through a 48h period with his Shaoh survivor Mr Sammler. All the characters are carefully drawn from Sammler's perspective and the action of the novel forms a perfect circle. The philosophical ruminations are treasures as are the descriptions... At first it was the all the lists that did me in, that weighed on me like work undone. Lists of words, on every other page it seemed, clogging the capillaries of my eyes. Enlightenment, universal education, universal suffrage, the rights of the majority acknowledged by all governments, the rights of women, the rights of children, the...

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