Jan 16th, 2017

Colónias piscatórias de Angola

Os Cadernos Coloniais são uma coleção com setenta livros publicados pelas Edições Cosmos entre os anos de 1920 e 1960, mas com especial relevância entre os anos de 1935 e 1941. Os temas versados abrangeram as diversas colónias que na altura formavam o Império Português e os grandes obreiros dessa obra colonizadora.Sobre esta coleção não existem direitos de autor pendentes. A maioria do livros digitalizados foram cedidos por vários colecionadores particulares, mediante acordo de cedência firmado com a Fundação Portugal-África. Procedimento análogo poderá ser seguido com outros eventuais colecionadores particulares que possuam obras em falta na coleção e que estejam dispostos a cedê-los para digitalização.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 38 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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Aafrika äärel

«Aafrika äärel» (1937–1938) on lopsaks lugu Aafrikast, esitatud haritud eurooplanna silmade ja kogemuste kaudu. Tähelepanu väärivad kirjaniku värvikad ja liigutavad kirjeldused kohalikest elanikest, neist kumab läbi Blixeni oskus hinnata eri rasside esindajaid ning tema austus nende kultuuri ja kommete vastu. Erilist tähelepanu pälvivad raamatus ka loomad, kellega...

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Jan 29th, 2016
Divrei Yoel - Selected Teachings of the Satmar Rebbe - Sefer Vayikra

Selected teachings of his holiness, Grand Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe, zy"a (1887-1979) on Sefer Vayikra, the Book of Leviticus, from his book Divrei Yoel. Contemporary Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Bible commentary from a revered leader, translated...

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Jan 18th, 2016
Making Peg Dolls

Peg dolls are small, enchanting, and easy to make. They are a perfect craft for children and can become the inspiration for endless play and storytelling. Margaret Bloom invites you to enter the tiny magical world of peg dolls...Coming from the Waldorf handcraft tradition, these irresistible dolls encourage creative play...

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Sep 9th, 2016

There is no New York neighborhood that boasts a richer history or more exciting present than Williamsburg. At first a quiet waterside community, Williamsburg briefly became a wealthy suburb of Manhattan in the middle of the nineteenth century. Heavy industrialization and a tidal wave of immigrants later turned...

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Howards End

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May 13th, 2017
Locomotives: The Modern Diesel & Electric Reference: The Modern Diesel and Electric Reference

The essential photographic reference to modern North American locomotives. This remarkable large-format reference is a revised, updated and expanded work based on the author's Field Guide to Modern Diesel Locomotives. Locomotives covers all mainline models built...

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Jan 14th, 2017
Race and Class Matters at an Elite College

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Dec 13th, 2015
Notes from the Life of a Total Genius

A new year, a new controversy, and another way to make Kennedy mad . . .Arthur Bean is back! With Robbie in another city (thank goodness for texting) and Kennedy as his...

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Nov 16th, 2015
Freedom and Belief

This is a revised and updated edition of Galen Strawson's groundbreaking first book, where he argues that there is a fundamental sense in which there is no such thing as free will or true moral responsibility (as this is ordinarily understood). This conclusion is very hard to accept....

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Tracey en mille morceaux

Nue sous un rideau de douche déchiré, Tracey Berkowitz, adolescente de quinze ans, est assise à l’arrière d’un autobus et raconte son histoire. C’est l’hiver, un blizzard fait rage, et Tracey cherche son petit...

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May 30th, 2017
Because I Am Your Daddy

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Oct 7th, 2015
Portion Size Me: A Kid-Driven Plan to a Healthier Family

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