Shadow Country

A Literature, Fiction, Novels book. white crescents beneath the pupils made his pale blue eyes seem to protrude, though...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 912 pages
  • ISBN: / 9780857380
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Small bits of life crawled and flew about the ward on ancient business. Peter Matthiessen, Shadow Country // this man would rob them graves himself, being some way starved by life, bone greedy. Peter Matthiessen, Shadow Country // Just goes to show how life leaks away when you aint paying attention. One day you look up, look around, and the world is empty. Not empty exactly but something is wrong, there aint no color left to life. outraged, he glared at Lucius. Watsons long gone and Coxes moved away, Burdetts and Betheas, too. Aint none of them good old families left. Died out or gone off to the cities, gone away like they was never here at all. Peter Matthiessen, Shadow Country //

E. Watson, The DecemberistsMy copy of this book is 892 pages, and I understand the original manuscript was like 1300 pages. And then the Decembrists basically sum up Matthiessen's story in less than four minutes.Just sayin.This very large book is actually comprised of three separate novels (Killing Mister Watson, Lost Man's River, and... I am usually not a fan of National Book Award winners. And after reading Marilynne Robinson's "Home," I didn't think anything could top it. But they got it right this year. Matthiessen's trilogy is a book that (if I know anything about myself) will haunt me for a long time. It is one of the ten best novels I've ever read, and (as most... Matthiessen's work here is really three books rolled into one. He rewrote his earlier Watson trilogy, and combined all three aspects into one book. Despite this, he labels the three distinct parts as Books I, II, and III. Book I is a culmination of diary entries/deposition-type statements by many of the people that came into contact...

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