Buying Time

A Womens Fiction, Romance, Fiction book. She had even allowed herself to feel full forgiveness for her own transgressions. Paula Kay, Buying...

Arianna Sinclair had led a privileged life, growing up in an elite neighborhood in Marin County, California. Having only known private schools, fancy country clubs and all things luxurious, Arianna had been prepared for everything in life—except hardship.At twenty-two, Arianna’s world is rocked by tragedy, and all she wants to do is escape it by taking the trip of a lifetime. All she wants to do is pretend that everything is “normal”, even though her whole world has crashed in around her.She’s made the decisions about the direction she wants her life to go, until a surprise encounter with someone from her past...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 351 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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She had even allowed herself to feel full forgiveness for her own transgressions. Paula Kay, Buying Time // was never going to be settled. Youd think that Daddy would have had things a little more organized, she said as the two young women made their way across Paula Kay, Buying Time // And I dont suppose this one can get some time off from school? Paula Kay, Buying Time //

I had a hard time relating to the main character who was a very rich young lady who had lost her adoptive parents in a plane crash before the novel begins. Theres a lot of talk about how wealthy she is and she certainly doesnt have any problem spending money. Her friends are nice and too proud to take her money which she would like... You know a book's good when you realise you can't read the words through the tears. Arianna has been struggling to come to terms with her parents death. Fortunately she has a small circle of friends who will do anything for her. Arianna had always wanted to go on a round the world trip but things were put on hold after the accident.... I LOVED this book.....I really enjoyed this book.....I came across it at a time when I needed to read a truly great story. There really isn't anything about the book I didn't like....the protagonist is memorable and the story is great. It takes place in locations where I lived!I'd recommend this book to those who appreciate a good read,...

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