Маската на Локи

A Science Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction Fantasy book. Pointless action/adventure novel in which gods and sorcerers walk the present day earth.http://www.books.rosboch.net/?p=1534

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 304 pages
  • ISBN: / 9548826127
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Thus far my least favorite Zelazny book, but not a bad book in its own right. The pacing is much slower than Zelazny's usually writes. The scenes set during the Crusades following Thomas Amnet (about 1/2 of the book) are the best while the near-future events tend to plod for awhile before ramping up to a pretty good conclusion. Pointless action/adventure novel in which gods and sorcerers walk the present day earth.http://www.books.rosboch.net/?p=1534 This is the second Zelazny collaboration that I have read recently that had GoodReads only list one author. Interestingly, the other one was listed as a Saberhagan work. I wonder if that indicates who is the primary author. When Roger knew he was dying, he collaborated a lot, hoping to provide for his family after he died.

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