Loose Change

A Memoir, Nonfiction, Feminism book. A great historic chronicle of young women in the sixties,...

Sara Davidson tells the tumultuous story of the sixties through the lives of three women who meet in 1961 when they pledge the same sorority at the University of California at Berkeley. She follows Susie, Tasha, and Sara as they experience many of the defining events and movements of the decade. Davidson sets the private lives of the three women against the public background of the time: the free speech movement, antiwar protests, Woodstock, drugs, the sexual revolution, Eastern spirituality, the avant garde art worlds of New York and Paris, communes, and the first moments of the women's movement. Figures such...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 385 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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More About Loose Change

A great historic chronicle of young women in the sixties, and how events shaped their lives. Not my favorite of the classic feminist tomes. Privileged white women who came of age in the 1960s leave their husbands. Some find other men, some don't. So? Published in 1977, this book has surely become a classic Sixties tell-all, featuring three women's journeys through their Berkley college years and beyond, taking the reader from about 1963 - 1973. Davidson is an ace journalist who was turned down by the New York Times after working as the New York correspondent for the Boston Globe,...

Mar 29th, 2016
Pojad ja armastajad

Romaani tegevuspaik on väike kaevandusküla Bestwood. Peategelane Paul, kellel on edukad vend-õde William ja Annie, elab koos oma alkohoolikust isa ja intellektuaalist emaga. Kuigi Paul õpib alles koolis, peab ta vabrikus töötama. Kuid töö jääb Pauli sagedasti kimbutavate haiguste tõttu pooleli. Kui Paul kohtab Miriamit, saab alguse armastuslugu....

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