Dec 9th, 2016

Classical Sheet Music for Solo Violin

This was purchase as a gift for a friend who plays the...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 286 pages
  • ISBN: 9781939497024 / 0
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More About Classical Sheet Music for Solo Violin

This was purchase as a gift for a friend who plays the violin. They wanted to do more solo pieces and found this book to be a great tool.

Erotic Grotesque Nonsense: The Mass Culture of Japanese Modern Times

This history of Japanese mass culture during the decades preceding Pearl Harbor argues that the new gestures, relationship, and humor of ero-guro-nansensu (erotic grotesque nonsense) expressed a self-consciously modern ethos that challenged state ideology and expansionism. Miriam Silverberg uses sources such as movie magazines,...

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Howards End

Inglise kirjaniku ja kriitiku Edward Morgan Forsteri (1879–1970) «Howards End» (1910) on kirjaniku mainekaim romaan. See on vaimukas jutustus, mille sündmused leiavad aset ühes väikeses Inglise külas. Forster kirjeldab kahe naabri vahelisi suhteid,...

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Jan 14th, 2017
Race and Class Matters at an Elite College

In Race and Class Matters at an Elite College, Elizabeth Aries provides a rare glimpse into the challenges faced by black and white college students from widely different class backgrounds as they come to live together as freshmen. Based on an intensive study that Aries...

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Mar 24th, 2017
The Other Dead #2

Download or read The Other Dead #2 in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with The Other Dead #2.


Apr 21st, 2017
Step Lightly: Poems for the Journey

The poems in this collection come from Nancy Willard's cardboard boxes--she's collected them to accompany her on her journey through life, and she hopes young people will take them along on their own adventures. Works by well-known poets--Elizabeth Bishop,...

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Jul 6th, 2017
Positive Relations @ School (& Elsewhere): Legal Parameters & Positive Strategies to Address Bullying & Harassment

Positive Relations @ School (& Elsewhere) provides insight into the legal parameters related to bullying and presents a 21st Century approach to address this age-old problem. The recommended approach is grounded in insight from recent litigation, U.S. Department of Education guidance, current research, and professional guidance. The recommended approach...

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Jul 18th, 2017
Elephants in My Backyard: Alex Aidekman's Own Story of Founding the Pathmark Supermarket Powerhouse

Download or read Elephants in My Backyard: Alex Aidekman's Own Story of Founding the Pathmark Supermarket Powerhouse in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Elephants in My Backyard: Alex Aidekman's Own Story of Founding the Pathmark Supermarket Powerhouse.


Jul 24th, 2016
Good-night Blessing Book

Download or read Good-night Blessing Book in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Good-night Blessing Book.

Mr. Sammleri planeet

«Mr. Sammleri planeet» (1969–70) jutustab loo New Yorgis elavast vanast juudi mehest. Väsinud ja kibestunud, intelligentne, ent vaene Mr Sammler on oma elu jooksul kogenud väga raskeid aegu – ja nüüd on linnadžunglis tema peamiseks tegevuseks ja meelelahutuseks inimeste...

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Mar 5th, 2017
The D.A. Draws a Circle

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Mar 29th, 2016
Pojad ja armastajad

Romaani tegevuspaik on väike kaevandusküla Bestwood. Peategelane Paul, kellel on edukad vend-õde William ja Annie, elab koos oma alkohoolikust isa ja intellektuaalist emaga. Kuigi Paul õpib alles koolis, peab ta vabrikus...

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May 12th, 2016
Carlos Gardel. Głos Argentyny

Buenos Aires na początku XX wieku było wielkim, nowoczesnym miastem, gdzie dzięki licznie przybywającym emigrantom z całego świata krzyżowały się różne kultury. Autorzy komiksu dokonują rekonstrukcji pejzażu i charakteru ówczesnej stolicy Argentyny. Przedstawiają własną wizję artystyczną, której główną osią fabularną jest biografia słynnego śpiewaka tamtego okresu -...

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