Feb 13th, 2016

Elements of Pen-And-Ink Rendering, Rendering with Pen and Brush

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing...

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 646 pages
  • ISBN: 9781345176766 / 0
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Erotic Grotesque Nonsense: The Mass Culture of Japanese Modern Times

This history of Japanese mass culture during the decades preceding Pearl Harbor argues that the new gestures, relationship, and humor of ero-guro-nansensu (erotic grotesque nonsense) expressed a self-consciously modern ethos that challenged state ideology and...

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Nov 4th, 2015
Festive food decoration for all occasions

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Tuletorni juurde

Romaaniga «Tuletorni juurde» (1927) tõestas Woolf oma kuulumist 20. sajandi parimate romaanikirjanike hulka. Teos kujutab endast tõepärast ja kaunist jutustust ühe inglise perekonna igapäevastest tegemistest Hebriididel. «Tuletorni juurde» on raamat, mida soovitatakse lugeda aegamisi, et kaunis stiil ja hingestatud laused kaotsi ei läheks.Virginia Woolf (1882–1941)...

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Roosi nimi

"Roosi nimi" on keerulise faabulaga omapärane sümbioos Eco semiootilistest ja kulturoloogilistest ideedest ning pakub erinevaid lugemistasandeid. Autor imiteerib keskaja kroonika stiili, jutustades kohutavatest sündmustest benediktiini kloostris 14. sajandil. Endine inkvisiitor Baskerville'i William saabub noviits Adsoga kloostrisse, kus vallandub terve kuritegude ahel. Sherlockholmesliku osavusega hakkab William liikuma kloostri labürintlikes koridorides, et...

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Oct 3rd, 2015
El Lobo de las Estepas

El joven Temujin, segundo hijo del khan de la tribu de los Lobos, tenía sólo once años cuando su padre murió asesinado en una emboscada. Su familia fue expulsada de la tribu y abandonada a su suerte, sin comida ni refugio, en las implacables estepas...

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Cochon D'allemand

Den som blinker er bange for døden fortæller den selvbiografiske historie om et enebarn, som ikke bliver født ind i verden men ud af den, og som vokser op med sin skizofrene,...

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Mar 10th, 2017
la hija del nilo

En el año 48 a.C., una jovencísima Cleopatra, la última heredera de los faraones y de la sangre de Alejandro Magno, comparte el trono de Egipto con un hermano al que aborrece, Ptolomeo. Muy lejos de allí, en Grecia, se decide...

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Feb 27th, 2016
After the Banquet

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Feb 12th, 2017
Das Romanes: Grammatik Und Diskursanalyse Der Sprache Der Sinte

Download or read Das Romanes: Grammatik Und Diskursanalyse Der Sprache Der Sinte in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Das Romanes: Grammatik Und Diskursanalyse Der Sprache Der Sinte.


Jan 14th, 2016
さむがり兵長 [Samugari Heichou]

Download or read さむがり兵長 [Samugari Heichou] in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with さむがり兵長 [Samugari Heichou].

The Eisenberg Constant

"The Eisenberg Constant" (first published in 2001 as part of a prose collection of the same name) tells the story of Henry Selinger who leads an easy life inside the eponymous time loop. The simulated reality resets on a...

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Dec 10th, 2016
Don't You Turn Back: Poems by Langston Hughes

Download or read Don't You Turn Back: Poems by Langston Hughes in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Don't You Turn Back: Poems by Langston Hughes.
