Dec 29th, 2015

Liderazgo con propósito

A Leadership book. el fundamento del liderazgo es el carcter; no el carisma, ni los estudios o los...

En estos doce capítulos acerca del liderazgo, el pastor Rick Warren examina la vida y el ministerio extraordinario de Nehemías._______________________In these twelve chapters about leadership, Pastor Rick Warren examines the life and ministry of Nehemiah. In his book, Rick uses analogies and important points of view about what well-rounded success of difficult tasks looks like. These lessons and Biblical principles will help leaders achieve success while maintaining their integrity and accomplishing God's plan for their lives.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 262 pages
  • ISBN: 9781422800331 / 0
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More About Liderazgo con propósito

Mientras no descubras un propsto impulsor para tu vida, todo lo que ests haciendo es existir. Rick Warren, Liderazgo con proposito: Lecciones de liderazgo basadas en Nehemias // El mundo se va a ganar cuando el pueblo de Dios sea uno. Rick Warren, Liderazgo con proposito: Lecciones de liderazgo basadas en Nehemias // Los lderes necesitan tener el valor necesario para enfrentarse cuando vean cometer una injusticia. Rick Warren, Liderazgo con proposito: Lecciones de liderazgo basadas en Nehemias //

Excelente libro! Uno de los mejores anlisis que he visto sobre un personaje de la biblia que tuvo realmente una visin y ejecucin envidiable como lder, tan aplicable hoy en da como lo fue hace miles de aos, tanto para un lder cristiano como para los negocios. Cada lder cristiano debera leer este libro, Rick toma la vida de Nehemias y la presenta de una manera tan fcil de entender y comprender su coraje y valenta. Rick ilustra como la pasin de un lder combinada con el favor de Dios, puede llevar a cualquier lder hacer cosas sorprendentes, tan sorprendentes que tal vez ni el mismo poda imaginar,... Es un 3,5 aunque al final es un poco repetitivo, aprend mucho.

Apr 21st, 2017
Put Out the Light

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Agnosticism: A Very Short Introduction

What is agnosticism? Is it a belief, or merely the absence of belief? Is it the result of too little thought about an issue--or too much? Who were the first to call themselves "agnostics"? Does agnosticism deserve serious consideration today? Can an agnostic...

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Chase through Venice

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兵長log [Heichou Log]

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Oct 7th, 2015
Portion Size Me: A Kid-Driven Plan to a Healthier Family

Make a Simple Change That Makes a World of Difference!Tired of being picked on, unhappy with his appearance, and feeling down on himself, Marshall Reid decided to change his lifestyle and demanded that his family help him along...

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Nov 8th, 2015
Southern Pacific in Color, Vol. 1

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Enter the Saint

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El imperio de plata

El Gran Khan ha muerto, pero su leyenda y su legado siguen vivos. Los ejércitos se han reunido y se disponen a comprobar cuál de los hijos de Gengis posee la fuerza necesaria para ser kan. El imperio mongol ha estado en paz durante dos años,...

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A Little Something Different, Chapter Sampler

Download sample chapters of A Little Something Different, from the distinctive new crowdsourced publishing imprint Swoon Reads.The creative writing teacher, the delivery guy, the local Starbucks baristas, his best friend, her roommate, and the squirrel in the park all have one thing in common—they believe that...

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Jan 18th, 2016
Making Peg Dolls

Peg dolls are small, enchanting, and easy to make. They are a perfect craft for children and can become the inspiration for endless play and storytelling. Margaret Bloom invites you to enter the tiny magical world of peg dolls...Coming...

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The Human Touch: Our Part in the Creation of a Universe

What do we really know? What are we in relation to the world around us? Here, the acclaimed playwright and novelist takes on the great questions of his career--and of...

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Jul 6th, 2017
Positive Relations @ School (& Elsewhere): Legal Parameters & Positive Strategies to Address Bullying & Harassment

Positive Relations @ School (& Elsewhere) provides insight into the legal parameters related to bullying and presents a 21st Century approach to address this age-old problem. The recommended approach is grounded in insight from recent litigation, U.S. Department of Education guidance, current...

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