Feb 27th, 2017

The Black Seven

It's a lot easier to like people when they can't make life miserable for...

Drawers Random (christened Roderick because his father was obsessed by Smollet) was precocious beyond his twelve years. Drawers preferred the Gashouse, his secret lair where he could drink his beer in peace, to the literary gloom of the Random house. From beer and pulp magazines it was easy for Drawers to step into the realm of murder detective when things began to happen to his neighbors, the Twiggs.The Twiggs were a rich family and a large one. Their eccentricities, their violent likes and dislikes were astonishing--so astonishing that Police detective Peter Mood, called in to investigate the sudden death of old Tobias Twigg, was baffled and bewildered. Besides the Twiggs--who, en masse or individually, were fantastic enough for any mystery--there was much talk of the black seven of a knowing, talking starling, and an empty mansion of unpleasant odors with a cellar full of rats.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 275 pages
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More About The Black Seven

It's a lot easier to like people when they can't make life miserable for you anymore. Carol Kendall, The Black Seven //

The Black Seven by Carol Kendall is a first edition, debut novel that I picked up on one of my book-buying extravaganzas. Found this one in our local used bookstore, the Caveat Emptor. Before snagging this off the shelf, I had never heard of Carol Kendall before...probably because this would seem to be her only adult mystery. The story... This appears to have been Kendall's first published book--and it shows. She works too hard to create oddball characters, succeeding only in amassing heaps of characteristics that don't turn into living people. I managed to read it all the way through when I first bought it some years ago; I have just tried to reread it and couldn't...

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