Oct 3rd, 2015

40 Semanas Con Proposito, Volume 2: Adoracion

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 60 pages
  • ISBN: 9780829749632 / 0
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Mar 29th, 2016
Pojad ja armastajad

Romaani tegevuspaik on väike kaevandusküla Bestwood. Peategelane Paul, kellel on edukad vend-õde William ja Annie, elab koos oma alkohoolikust isa ja intellektuaalist emaga. Kuigi Paul õpib alles koolis, peab ta...

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Dec 4th, 2015
Raggedy Ann and the Christmas Thief

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Feb 27th, 2016
After the Banquet

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Jan 20th, 2017
My Name Is Makia: A Memoir of Kalaupapa

Diagnosed with Hansen's disease (leprosy) at the age of twelve and exiled to the remote settlement of Kalaupapa, Molokai, Makia Malo lost his hands, his feet and his eyesight over the years -- but never the vision or spirit that have made him...

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May 24th, 2016
Ocupação dos Dembos, 1615-1913: subsídios para a história de Angola

Os Cadernos Coloniais são uma coleção com setenta livros publicados pelas Edições Cosmos entre os anos de 1920 e 1960, mas com especial relevância entre os anos de 1935 e 1941. Os temas versados abrangeram as diversas colónias que na altura formavam o Império Português e os grandes obreiros dessa...

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Roosi nimi

"Roosi nimi" on keerulise faabulaga omapärane sümbioos Eco semiootilistest ja kulturoloogilistest ideedest ning pakub erinevaid lugemistasandeid. Autor imiteerib keskaja kroonika stiili, jutustades kohutavatest sündmustest benediktiini kloostris 14. sajandil. Endine inkvisiitor Baskerville'i William saabub noviits Adsoga kloostrisse, kus vallandub terve kuritegude ahel....

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Apr 9th, 2017
Testimony of the Invisible Man; William Carlos Williams, Francis Ponge, Rainer Maria Rilke, Pablo Neruda.

Download or read Testimony of the Invisible Man; William Carlos Williams, Francis Ponge, Rainer Maria Rilke, Pablo Neruda. in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Testimony of the Invisible Man; William Carlos Williams, Francis Ponge, Rainer Maria Rilke, Pablo Neruda..

Enter the Saint

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Feb 11th, 2016
Water Walker

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Jul 7th, 2016
Growing crops & plants by electricity. Explaining what has been done on a practical scale

Download or read Growing crops & plants by electricity. Explaining what has been done on a practical scale in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Growing crops & plants by electricity. Explaining what has been done on a practical scale.


Jul 28th, 2017
A Little White Book of Ghost Stories

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Aafrika äärel

«Aafrika äärel» (1937–1938) on lopsaks lugu Aafrikast, esitatud haritud eurooplanna silmade ja kogemuste kaudu. Tähelepanu väärivad kirjaniku värvikad ja liigutavad kirjeldused kohalikest elanikest, neist kumab läbi Blixeni oskus hinnata eri rasside esindajaid ning tema austus nende kultuuri ja kommete vastu. Erilist tähelepanu pälvivad raamatus ka...

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