Oct 10th, 2015


A Poetry, Classics book. This one was rather good. I remember reading this as a...

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Aj tak nikdy nepochopm tto trovsk generciu... A poziu si taktie oividne neobbim This one was rather good. I remember reading this as a kid and not truly understanding what it was all about, but even then I could see that this is good and that I will want to re-read this later. It's planned for later.

Sweep Dreams

There was once a man who fell in love with a broom.PBy the light of the full moon, this enchanted broom sweepwalks, and when the man discovers her they dance...

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Tuletorni juurde

Romaaniga «Tuletorni juurde» (1927) tõestas Woolf oma kuulumist 20. sajandi parimate romaanikirjanike hulka. Teos kujutab endast tõepärast ja kaunist jutustust ühe inglise perekonna igapäevastest tegemistest Hebriididel. «Tuletorni juurde» on raamat, mida soovitatakse lugeda aegamisi, et kaunis stiil ja hingestatud laused...

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Jul 28th, 2017
A Little White Book of Ghost Stories

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Hex Strategy: Making the Right Connections

Hex Strategy is the first book to offer a comprehensive look at the game of Hex, from its history and mathematical underpinnings to discussions of advanced playing techniques. This is first and foremost a book on strategy aimed at providing sufficient knowledge to...

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Feb 13th, 2016
Ballad of Biddy Early

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Musashi, tomo 2: El Camino de la Espada

Miyamoto Musashi es, quizás, el más famoso de todos los samurais que poblaron la época feudal del Japón. Vivió en unos tiempos convulsos, en los cuales Japón se recuperaba de una guerra civil que desencadenó el inicio...

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The Human Touch: Our Part in the Creation of a Universe

What do we really know? What are we in relation to the world around us? Here, the acclaimed playwright and novelist takes on the great questions of his career--and of our lives Humankind, scientists agree, is an insignificant speck in the impersonal vastness of...

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Roosi nimi

"Roosi nimi" on keerulise faabulaga omapärane sümbioos Eco semiootilistest ja kulturoloogilistest ideedest ning pakub erinevaid lugemistasandeid. Autor imiteerib keskaja kroonika stiili, jutustades kohutavatest sündmustest benediktiini kloostris 14. sajandil. Endine inkvisiitor Baskerville'i William saabub noviits Adsoga kloostrisse, kus vallandub terve kuritegude ahel. Sherlockholmesliku osavusega hakkab William liikuma kloostri...

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Five Men. One Robbery. A deadly game of greed, revenge and betrayal is about to begin.Fresh out of the SAS, Matt Browning is down on his luck. He owes $500,000. If he doesn't get the money soon, he...

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Jul 24th, 2016
Good-night Blessing Book

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Apr 22nd, 2016
Espartaco: El Gladiador

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Why Cities Matter: To God, the Culture, and the Church

More people live in cities now than at any other time in human history, presenting a historic opportunity for Christians to influence the majority of the world. Unfortunately, most Christian literature about the city focuses...

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