Mina, Claudius

A Italy, European Literature, Classics book. The conversation was like the sort one has in dreamsmad but interesting. Robert Graves, I, Claudius //

«Mina, Claudius» on Gravesi kuulsamaid ajaloolisi romaane, mis ilmus esmakordselt 1934. aastal. See kirjeldab Rooma imperaatori Claudiuse ning tema lähikondlaste hiilgavat elu ja püüab seletada sündmuste tegelikke tagamaid. Tegemist on suurepärase ilukirjandusega, mille tegevus toimub tegelike ajalooliste sündmuste ja tegelaskujude taustal. Rober Graves (1895–1985), tuntud romaanikirjanik, poeet, biograaf ja õpetlane sündis Londonis. Tõelise patrioodina ihkas ta võidelda koos kaaslastega sõjas, jäämata pelgaks kõrvalseisjaks. Pärast sõda valis kirjanik ja luuletaja rahulikuma elustiili ning kolis koos perega Mallorcale. Graves oli Oxfordi ülikooli professor ja Ameerika poeetide akadeemia liige ning pälvis Inglise kuningannalt medali tunnustuseks loomingu eest.

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 378 pages
  • ISBN: / 8498193311
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More About Mina, Claudius

And what thoughts or memories, would you guess, were passing through my mind on this extraordinary occasion? Was I thinking of the Sibyl's prophecy, of the omen of the wolf-cub, of Pollio's advice, or of Briseis's dream? Of my grandfather and liberty? Of my grandfather and liberty? Of my three Imperial predecessors, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, their lives and deaths? Of the great danger I was still in from the conspirators, and from the Senate, and from the Gaurds battalions at the Camp? Of Messalina and our unborn child? Of my grandmother Livia and... The conversation was like the sort one has in dreamsmad but interesting. Robert Graves, I, Claudius // I made no more protests. What was the use of struggling against fate Robert Graves, I, Claudius //

This was fun reading! It reminded me of the 'A Song of Fire and Ice' series. Claudius, is a stammering lame fellow whose disabilities and weaknesses bring him both mockery and his salvation in a family plagued with scheming, deceit, betrayal, poisoning, the lust for power and the like. The humour and action in the book makes it a great... Well, well, well, this was great! I, Claudius is a fictional autobiography by poor ClauClauClaudius which feels really authentic to the times. Claudius is a limping, lame, stuttering noble, born in a messed up, and I mean really messed up family. The Lannisters are quite decent especially compared to the Claudian part of the Julio-Claudian... The first book that convinced me that history could be engrossing. Ridiculously fun to read - it delivers a thrill on a level with the first time you saw "The Mikado", heard the Saint-Saens cello concerto, Callas singing 'Casta Diva'. You get the pictureIt is a stroke of genius for Graves to choose Claudius, the drooling 'halfwit' among...

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