Jul 30th, 2016

Pen Drawing an Illustrated Treatise

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  • Filetype: PDF
  • Pages: 121 pages
  • ISBN: / 0
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Jan 20th, 2017
My Name Is Makia: A Memoir of Kalaupapa

Diagnosed with Hansen's disease (leprosy) at the age of twelve and exiled to the remote settlement of Kalaupapa, Molokai, Makia Malo lost his hands, his feet and his eyesight over the...

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May 12th, 2016
Carlos Gardel. Głos Argentyny

Buenos Aires na początku XX wieku było wielkim, nowoczesnym miastem, gdzie dzięki licznie przybywającym emigrantom z całego świata krzyżowały się różne kultury. Autorzy komiksu dokonują rekonstrukcji pejzażu i charakteru ówczesnej stolicy Argentyny. Przedstawiają własną wizję artystyczną, której główną osią fabularną jest biografia słynnego śpiewaka tamtego okresu - Carlosa Gardela. Dziś...

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Feb 9th, 2016
Materials Management with SAP Erp: Functionality And Technical Configuration

• Discover the power of Materials Management (MM) with SAP ERP in this completely updated and expanded edition • Explore how MM works and integrates with other key SAP software • Master...

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May 24th, 2016
Ocupação dos Dembos, 1615-1913: subsídios para a história de Angola

Os Cadernos Coloniais são uma coleção com setenta livros publicados pelas Edições Cosmos entre os anos de 1920 e 1960, mas com especial relevância entre os anos de 1935 e 1941. Os temas versados abrangeram as diversas colónias que na altura formavam o Império Português e os grandes...

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Musashi, tomo 2: El Camino de la Espada

Miyamoto Musashi es, quizás, el más famoso de todos los samurais que poblaron la época feudal del Japón. Vivió en unos tiempos convulsos, en los cuales Japón se recuperaba de una guerra civil que desencadenó el inicio...

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Tracey en mille morceaux

Nue sous un rideau de douche déchiré, Tracey Berkowitz, adolescente de quinze ans, est assise à l’arrière d’un autobus et raconte son histoire. C’est l’hiver, un blizzard fait rage, et Tracey cherche son petit...

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Feb 13th, 2016
Ballad of Biddy Early

Download or read Ballad of Biddy Early in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Ballad of Biddy Early.


Jan 18th, 2016
Making Peg Dolls

Peg dolls are small, enchanting, and easy to make. They are a perfect craft for children and can become the inspiration for endless play and storytelling. Margaret Bloom invites you to enter...

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Apr 21st, 2016
Collected Columns

Playwright and novelist Michael Frayn originally came to prominence as the writer of short, surreal, razor-sharp explorations of human foibles, sex, politics, manners, and the events of the day. Here are 110 of his finest and funniest pieces, selected and introduced by himself. Michael...

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Cochon D'allemand

Den som blinker er bange for døden fortæller den selvbiografiske historie om et enebarn, som ikke bliver født ind i verden men ud af den, og som vokser op med sin skizofrene, tyske mor og tvangsneurotiske,...

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May 13th, 2017
Locomotives: The Modern Diesel & Electric Reference: The Modern Diesel and Electric Reference

The essential photographic reference to modern North American locomotives. This remarkable large-format reference is a revised, updated and expanded work based on the author's Field Guide to Modern Diesel Locomotives. Locomotives covers all mainline models built for...

Download or read Locomotives: The Modern Diesel & Electric Reference: The Modern Diesel and Electric Reference in PDF formats. You may also find other subjects related with Locomotives: The Modern Diesel & Electric Reference: The Modern Diesel and Electric Reference.

Howards End

Inglise kirjaniku ja kriitiku Edward Morgan Forsteri (1879–1970) «Howards End» (1910) on kirjaniku mainekaim romaan. See on vaimukas jutustus, mille sündmused leiavad aset ühes väikeses Inglise külas. Forster kirjeldab kahe naabri vahelisi suhteid, milles põrkuvad pisut boheemlaslik kunsti- ja kirjandusmaailm ning karm realistlik...

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